December 8

71 3 0

Dear Journal,

So yeah... Luciano came in knives twirling. And he almost cut Flavio's throat. It was actually funny to watch from the couch. Matt even let me share his popcorn.

Long story short, Luciano and Flavio talked while sitting at our dinner table. Francios was sitting there but quickly left up to his room. Matt dared me to act like a cute child and sit besides Luciano and copy him.

Well, I thought it would be funny. So I did it. Luciano and Flavio's conversation ended when Oliver sat down and Luciano grabbed me, holding a knife at my throat. He, of course didn't like me mimicking him.

I might've laughed. Just a little bit. But come on. It was funny! Luciano's face was red as Matt, Flavio, and Oliver laughed. I could tell Flavio was holding it in, Matt wasn't even trying to hold it in. Neither was Oliver.

That ended as Luciano drew blood and Matt yanked me away. So, now I sit in my room with a wrap around my arm. I'm kinda glad Luci decided to cut my arm, and not my neck. But it still hurt! I can barely write this properly. And Matt is standing guard at my door for some reason.


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