October 12th

148 7 0

Dear Journal,

I'm outta here! I just hailed a taxi and it's now taking me to the airport. I stole some of Alfred's money, not like he's gonna need it anyway, he's fucking rich.

Oh. The driver's talking to me. Just because I'm bored, I'll write down what we're saying.

Driver: "So why are you heading to the airport, kid?"

Me: "Al. My name's Al." I wanted to be called anything but kid. "And I'm going to visit my brother."

Driver: "Oh. Okay. That's cool. What's his name?"

Me: "Matt."

Driver: "Just Matt?"

Me: "Just Matt." I pushed my sunglasses up as they threatened to fall off my nose.

That has been happening a lot lately. I actually wonder what I look like as a kid. I haven't been able to look in a mirror.

Driver: "Okay. Hope you have fun. Will you be returning?"

Me: "Don't plan on it."

Oh. We're here. Finally!


I'm now on the plane. It took me forever to get here. People complained I didn't have a legal identification or whatever and I needed a parent or guardian. I don't need any of that shit.

Don't tell anyone this, but I played the lost and scared kid card. And it surprisingly worked. They let me through no problem.

The plane is about to take off and I'm ready to punch the people beside me in the face. They are so fucking annoying!

I'm going to attempt to fall asleep now. Bye.


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