Letter #3

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Dear Luke,

I read your tweet 'sometimes it all gets too much'. That spoke 1000 words to me. I feel you because I feel the exact same. Last night for the first time in 6 months I relapsed, I'm so disappointed in my self. Things were going so well, I was finally happy and then it hit me, hit me hard. All those emotions attacked me like a defenceless fish in a shark tank. I feel worthless, I feel like I'm drowning in my own sea of emotion. The only thing keeping me going, as stupid as it sounds is you. Every time I cut I feel guilty because I remember the day I met you, you told me to think of you and every person I love every time I cut. And I let you and them down. I'm sorry, so sorry. I would never want to hurt you.

Just wanted to say, chin up beautiful, things will get better. For you anyway. It's probably to late for me, but you, you have so much worth living for so don't give up, okay? 'Sometimes it all gets so much' I know it does, but like you always tell us, you just gotta soldier on, you can do it.

"Every thing will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

All my love.

Your biggest fan,


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