If You Left Him For Me {A Cody Simpson Fanfiction}

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Cody's POV

Why did I have to see that fan? I could'v just kept walking. Why did I have to ask her for her twitter? Why is she the fan that I'm falling for after seeing her only once? And worst of all. Why did she have to be with her boyfriend? Why did she have to have a boyfriend? All these thoughts ran through my mind as Alli, and I walked to the studio. That one fan. This one day. Her name is Becca.

She was...is beautiful. She has long, extremely wavy, dark brown hair. The first thing I noticed was her eyes. One eye is bright, bright blue, almost white. While her other eye is dark, dark brown, almost black. I'm in love with her eyes, I'v never seen anything like them before. She is different from all the other fans. She didn't scream at me like the rest. I'v never seen her before, and she was completely calm. I know I'v never seen her before, if I have I would remember.

"Bro are you ok?" Alli asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ya. I'm fine." I harshly snapped back. Her eyes got all wide, I'm never mean to her or Tom. "I'm sorry." I apologized looking down at the ground.

She stopped right in front of me, and put one hand on my chest. "Codes, I know when somethings up. What is it?"

"I swear you have super powers or something. If I tell you, you can't say anything to anyone. Not Ruby, Sophie, Tom, Dad, Mum, Madison, and not even Buddy." she nodded. "Ya know that fan that just stopped us?" another nod. "I think I'm experiencing love at first sight..." I shyly looked up at Alli.

"Awwwww really?"

"See I knew you would act like this." I pushed passed her, and started to walk again, but she ended up in front of me again.

"I'm just kidding! But you do know that guy she was with was her boyfriend right?"

"Well how do we know for sure?" we started walking again.

"Because as soon as we turned around to leave I turned back around, and they were holding hands like couples do." I didn't answer her after that, just kept walking. I know she's right, I just don't want to believe it.

"OOOOOOOOO Starbucks!!!! Can we go in quick? I just wanna get a coffee." I sighed deeply. "Please Cody? It's really early, and I might fall asleep on you." She rested her head on my shoulder to try and prove a point.

"Fine." I sighed again.

"Thank you Codes! Love you bro." She hugged me as I opened the door for her. She walked in, me following closely behind. When we got up to the counter I could tell she comes in here a lot.

"Hey Alli! What would the beautiful girl like today?" the overly friendly cashier asked.

"Hey Jeff. Hmmmm I don't know. What I always get in the morning?" my sister replied blushing. My protectiveness was kicking in. I don't like this guy, just something about him.

"Ok sure. I'll be right back." he left after typing something in on a tablet looking thing he had. I looked down at my little sister eyebrows raised.

"Oh don't look at me like that! He's just being friendly." she was sticking up for the little punk!

"A little too friendly." I got in right before he came back

"Here you go Alli. That'll be - Oh sorry sir, didn't see you. Do you want anything?"

"No, I don't like coffee. I also don't like little punk kids like you hitting on Alli." I glared at him. His eyebrows knitted together in a frown.

"Who do think you are telling me what I can and can't do?"

"Jeff, this is my older brother Cody." Alli sighed

"Oh. Hi." It said, glaring at me again

"I don't like you." I kept glaring at him

"Cody play nice." Alli said, poking my cheek

I gave him the money for Alli's drink, the exact amount, nothing more, nothing less. I grabbed her drink, gave it to her. Then walked out with my arm around her shoulders.

"Why did you do that?" Alli asked

"Cause I don't like him."

"Why don't you like him?"

"He was rude to me. If he's rude to me, then he'll be rude to my little sister. You don't need a guy like that."

"You still didn't have to be mean about it." we kept walking, not talking. When we got to the studio, I opened the door for Alli again. "Thanks" Alli said walking in ahead of me.

"For what?" I asked, chuckling

"For paying for my coffee, for being a Gentlemen, and for watching out for me. I know your protective over me, but you need to at least get to know someone before you judge him....or them."

"No problem. Why are you thanking me for being a Gentlemen? Also no, I'm sorry. That wasn't right for me to act that way towards him. Yes I'm protective, but I'm protective cause I care about you. I just don't want some stupid guy to hurt you."

"Well I guess because not a lot of guys are Gentlemen anymore, and It's nice to know there are guys out there who are. Thank you for apologizing, and thank you for caring about me." she hugged me right as we stopped outside of the room we're supposed to be in.

"Sorry for ruining this touching little brother-sister moment, but Cody we need to get started." Matt told me. I, once again, held the door open for Alli, and walked in. "Hey Cody. Do you know if Brad, and Angie are coming too, or is it just you guys?" Matt asked as he gave me a bro hug

"They might come later. They said that I'm probably just recording today. My dad said that if I write a new song today to text him, and he'd come over to hear it. They wanna hear any new song I write. I have an idea for a new song too." Alli looked at me knowingly

"Ok, I just need to talk to them about a few things about the tour, that's all. Do you wanna spend a few minutes writing? Or do you wanna record one of your other songs first?"

"Well I kinda wanna write it down before I lose it."

"Ok you do that, and I can talk to Alli about her new single." Matt walked over to Alli, and I took a seat on the couch. I took my phone out of my pocket, and went into notes. I wrote at the top If You Left Him For MeThat fan is the only thing I can think about right now. So why not write a song about her? I quickly went on twitter, and posted "In the studio writing about a fan. Can't wait for you to hear this." Then I looked up Becca's twitter name, and followed her. She already posted the picture we took together, and made it her profile picture. I smiled, and saved it to my pictures. I re-tweeted her, then got off, and started writing.

"So you wanna talk about this fan?" Matt asked sitting down next to me.


This is my second story, first Cody Simpson story. Please vote, comment, and fan. I'm working on a couple of other stories also, so can you please look out for them too? 

I was watching Cody's Ustream tonight and I heard him say that one of his new songs off of Surfers Paradise is called If You Left Him For Me, and this story came to mind. Hope you like it!

Love you <3

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