Flipping out and Cancellations (Chapter 10)

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Cody's POV

The show had just ended, and Becca is nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Alli, can you go in the bathroom and look for Becca?"

"Why don't you do it?"

"I'm a guy, I can't go in the girls bathroom."

"Sure." she said laughing. But this was no joking manner. Matt had no idea, Justin hasn't seen her, Flo was looking for me, and my family hasn't seen her. I asked everyone- wait! I havn't asked my sound guy. I got up sprinting to the sound booth.

"Hey, have you seen Becca?"

"Um before BYE went on she was with me. But, maybe 10 minutes before, I saw her walk away with some guy. He kept on whispering in her ear too."

"What did he look like?"

"He was sort of tall, maybe an inch shorter than you, he had dark brown hair, with dark eyes to match."

"Steve" I whispered to myself. "Thanks." I started running to where Matt was, but I stopped in the hall. This is probably just another prank. This is no big deal. She's hiding out on the bus, or in with Ryan. I'll just talk to him about it. I knocked, then heard a faint 'come in'. I closed the door behind me and sat next to Ryan.

"Hey man, how was your show?"

"It was good. Amazing crowd like always." he nodded and smiled faintly, then looked back at his phone. "So where's Becca?"

"What do you mean?" he still wasn't looking up.

"Look I'm not gonna freak out like I did the last time. You failed. I know you guys are just playing another prank on me. Please just tell me where she is?"

"I don't know where she is dude. Wait. She's gone? How could you let her get taken?" this time he got up, and started pacing around the room.

"Your not even smiling! You should be an actor."

"Cody we're not pulling another prank on you! This is serious!" he yelled in my face. It just hit me. I got up and ran, yet again, to find Matt. Ryan hot on my heels. I grabbed my phone on the table in case she calls or texts.

"Matt we have to go to the police or someone!"

"Why whats wrong? What happened?"

"Becca's missing. And this time for real. We can't find her anywhere. I think her ex boyfriend took her."

"What do you mean you think?"

"Well the other night he called her and threatened her that if she didn't stop talking to me, being my girlfriend, and such, that something really bad was gonna happen. We need to do something!" Matt ran past me, he got on the bus, and told me to come too. We got there really fast. When we got into the police station, they all probably thought we were nuts.

"Can I help you?" the man in uniform asked Matt.

"I'd like to fill out a missing persons report." he handed him a clip board, a pen, and pointed to the waiting area.

"That's all your going to do?!?! My girlfriend is missing and all you do is give us a fuc-!!" I suddenly stopped as a pair of arms was wrapped around me. They pulled me back, sitting me down in a chair next to them. I wrapped my arms around them, and cried on there shoulder. I honestly didn't care who it was. When I looked up though I noticed it was my mum. I just hugged her tighter, and cried even more. I could see Matt out the corner of my eye bring the paper back. We all got up, walking out. Matt whispered something about a hotel room to her. We got on the bus, drove a bit, then we all got out again.

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