Rehearsals (Chapter 3)

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Cody's POV

I woke up to the bright light coming in from my window. I slowly got up checking the time, I only got about 2 and a half hours of sleep. I hope this wont come back to bite me in the butt later. I got in the shower, singing as loud as possible to see if Alli would say anything later. I got out and changed into shorts, and a tank top. Quickly brushing my teeth, grabbing a hat, and two skate boards, I raced downstairs to find everyone waiting for me. Poor Tommy looked like he was gonna fall over from exhaustion. Alli was the first to speak.

"Thanks for the preview of the album this morning Codes." Alli said looking up from her phone.

"No problem mate!" I said patting her on the shoulder.

"Ok everyone pile into the van!" dad yelled from the kitchen. I followed the sound of his voice as Alli, Tom, and mom went out front. Dad was just standing there.

"Hey dad, you coming?" I asked leaning against the counter.

"No bud sorry."

"That's ok. But since mom is still going do you think I could drive? I have my learners permit so all I need is an adult in the is an adult..." 

"I see were your getting, and it's fine with me, just make sure it's ok with her too."

"Ok thanks dad, see ya later."

"See ya" he answered back.

When I got outside mom was already in the drivers seat, the passenger seat open. As I walked over to the drivers side to talk to mom I got my phone out. I sent out a tweet saying good morning to my angels, and how I was going to rehearsals. Then I opened my DMs from Becca and told her I was on my way. She replied almost immediately saying that she couldn't wait. I shoved my phone back into my pocket as I approached my mom.

"Hey Cody, get in."

"Mom do you think I can drive?"

"Well it's ok with me, did you ask your father?"

"He said it was ok with him."

"Well ok then hop in." she got out and went around to the back to sit with Alli and Tom. I have no idea why she got in the back. I got in, buckled up, then started the engine. "Ok what you do first is-"

"I know what to do." she looked at me shocked. "Dad has been teaching me, I'v been studying my drivers manual, and I have my permit." I stated

"Oh ok." I nodded then shifted the gear into reverse, backing out of the driveway. Shifting the gear into drive now going down the road. I went slowly though as we were approaching Becca's house. I could see her on her balcony....with her boyfriend. I stopped in front of her driveway waiting for her to come down. Putting the car in park.

"Hey Cody why did you stop?" mom asked worried.

"Oh I invited a friend to come with us today. Then we're gonna hang out after too. Is that ok?"

"Ya it's fine. What's his name?"

"Her name is Becca." she still hasn't come down yet.

"Are you sure she's just a friend?" Alli piped up

"Yes I'm sure. She has a boyfriend!"

I looked out my window and noticed Becca kissing her boyfriend. I wasn't sure, but it looked like he was hurting her. She turned around and he hit her ass, that upsets me so much. She deserves a gentlemen, not that. She yet again climbed down the side of her house, looking back at him as she walked away. She was smiling, but not a huge smile, more of a sad one. I couldn't help but think about my new song.

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