Nice Fans, And Bad News For Cody (Chapter 11)

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Becca's POV

I fell asleep a little late last night. Sometimes being an Insomniac is hard. You fall asleep really late, and sometimes you wake up early, that's a pain. But other times you wake up late, which is fine with me. Apparently Cody didn't want me to sleep in though. He has his arms wrapped around my waist, and his grip seemed to get tighter and tighter. I looked up at him. His eyes were still closed, his eyebrows were pinched together and he had a very noticeable scowl on his face. He looked so angry, I don't like this side of him. Then the corners of his mouth started twitching. He got a very brief smile on his face, and his arms loosened a bit. Then out of no where he returned to his scowl, and this time his arms gripped around me even tighter. Maybe I should wake him up. I don't know if he might hurt me in this state.

I shook him saying his name. Nothing. I put my cold cast on his leg. He stirred a bit, but didn't loosen on his deadly grip. "Alli!" I knew she was awake by now.

"Morning! Awwwwww!! The two lovebirds." she started making kissing sounds at us.

"You know how to wake Cody up. I can't wake him up, and he has a death grip on me." she laughed at my predicament. She started shaking him vigorously.

"WAKE UP!!!!!!" she screamed in his ear. All of a sudden he sprung up, looking around frantically. He saw me laying there, and gave me a huge hug.

"Never do that to me again." he whispered to me.

"Cody, I didn't do anything!" I started laughing. Alli laughed at us, and walked away after I thanked her.

"You broke up with me, got back together with Steve, got in a car crash cause I was texting you. Then you died." I hugged him back.

"I will never brake up with you." Cody smiled, and kissed my forehead. He helped me up, he insisted on helping, and we went to the front of the bus. Angie and Brad were sitting at the booth.

"Morning sleepy heads." Brad said sipping what looked like coffee. I said good morning as Cody immediately went for the cereal. I giggled at him as he hurriedly made a bowl. He went to sit across from his parents. They started talking about a cousin from Australia when I got to the table with my own cereal. Cody started to sing something, but I put my hand over his mouth. He licked my hand.

"I don't mind your saliva Simpson. You know you can't sing. So stop it."

"Aw you know you wanna hear me sing to you."

"I would love to hear you sing to me, but not for the next two days. I'll just have to survive on music from my phone."

"But that's not as good."

"It's good enough for me." I smiled and kissed his cheek.


Cody was right I missed hearing him sing. I plugged my headphones in, and put my music on. I put on shuffle, but only on Cody's songs. The first song that came on was One. I smiled, then someone sat next to me. I turned my phone off, but kept the music on. Cody was next to me smiling like crazy. I took out one ear bud so I could hear him.

"So what are you listening to?"


"What song?"

"One. It's my favorite." I gave him the ear bud I took out. He put it in then smiled. I rested my head on his shoulder. Alli came in and sat on my left side.

"Hey Alli."

"Hey Becca. What are you guys listening to?"

"Him. I missed him singing, so I'm listening to him sing on my phone." She started texting a friend of hers. Cody took his ear bud out and gave it back.

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