Cast Removal Tickles (Chapter 19)

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Becca's POV

Angie, Cody, and I are sitting in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to come get us. I hope to get this off. Cody has been saying he wants to show me how to surf. Probably when I get the cast off I'll have to wait two months before I could do that though.

"Becca Roberts?" A woman popped her head in and asked for me. We stood up and the woman did the normal stuff. Height, weight, check ears, then check pulse. We waited for a few more minutes before the doctor came in.

"Hi Becca. How are you today?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm good. If you'll follow me we're gonna take an x-ray of your leg to see if it's healed." We followed her into a bigger room with a huge machine in the middle of the room. She had me lie down and she covered my body, except for my leg, with a heavy blanket type thing.

"This is just so the UV lights don't harm you." She picked up a small thing then left with Angie and Cody. I heard the machine start up then I saw a small flash. She came back in and brought us back to the smaller room.

"It looks really good. Your bones have healed really well. I'm gonna fit you with, what most people call, a boot. You'll also have to wear a knee brace for awhile." She left then came back after a short while. She took out a small type of electrical saw. She had me rest my leg on the table or bed type thing. I didn't know if it was going to hurt or not so I held Cody's hand. She started at the top. It actually tickled. It didn't hurt at all.

When she finished she fitted the boot onto my leg and showed me how to take it off, and put it back on by myself. She also gave me a knee brace to put on under the boot. We left after Angie payed. We were on our way to pick up Alli, Tommy, and Brad to go to the possible new house.

"Look at your tan line from your cast." Cody started laughing next to me. I looked down and it was so noticeable. It was pretty funny. Alli got in next to Cody, Tommy sat on Cody's lap, and Brad sat up front with Angie. When we got to the house there was a woman standing out front waiting for us. Angie and Brad shook her hand.

"This is our son Tom, daughter Alli, other son Cody, and his girlfriend Becca." Brad introduced us to her. We each shook her hand.

"Ok lets go in then." She guided us through the house. It's so nice. Angie and Brad told us to go pick our rooms while they did the paperwork. The biggest room was at the end of the hall, that was obviously Angie and Brad's. The other rooms were just a bit smaller. Tom picked the one by the stairs, Alli picked one next to her parents room, and Mine is right next to Cody's. The other room is a guest room. I went into Cody's room with him. We went over by the window and looked out. You could see the beach from his window. My room is right next door so I can probably see the beach from there too. The scene is really beautiful.

We all headed downstairs to go. We all piled into the van again to go home and start packing.

"When are we gonna move into the new house?" Cody asked.

"It depends on when we finish packing up. I'm hoping to move in by next Friday though." Angie answered. We headed inside once the van was shut off.


It didn't take long for me to pack. I don't have that much stuff. I walked, yes walked I'm actually able to walk now, into Cody's room. I sat on his bed reading his book while he packed. Every few minutes he would steal a kiss from me, making me lose my place. It's amazing how we ended up together.


Another short chapter. I'm sorry.

This is the last real chapter of If You Left Him For Me. Next update will be the Epilogue.

Hope you liked it. Love you <3

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