First Day Of Hell (Chapter 17)

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Becca's POV

My alarm went off. I got out of bed already knowing what today would be like. Yesterday I went to my old house and got my schedule out of the mailbox. I called my school to let them know that I was living somewhere else now. Also I talked to Angie last night about driving me to school. She said she would love to. I took a quick shower then got dressed. I put on a pair of dark jean shorts, and one of Cody's sweatshirts so he'll be with me today. It was a sweatshirt he must'v gotten in New York because it said on it 'I <3 NY'. I put my converse on brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and scrunched it in my hands to make it extra wavy. I quickly applied some makeup, then headed back into my room.

I slung my Spurling Lakes Mix denim backpack, from Urban Outfitters, over my shoulders, then I grabbed my phone and slipped it into my pocket. I hopped downstairs to see Angie waiting for me. She smiled as I hopped out the door behind her. When I got into the van I got my phone out and sent a quick text to Cody.

"Morning babe. Heading to school. -_- Wish me luck, Love you."

Almost immediately I got a reply.

"I'll text u during ur lunch. Good luck. Love you too."

I put my phone away as the car slowed down. I looked out the window seeing Ash walk in with Brad. I took a deep breath as Angie started talking to me.

"I hope you have a good day today. Don't worry about it too much." she said squeezing my hand in a motherly way. Alli and I told her what Ash said to me that night. I smiled at her and thanked her.

"I'll be here later to pick you up ok?" I nodded. "Bye Becca."

"Bye Angie." I got out of the van and slung my backpack over my shoulders again. I hopped into the building and stood over by the office entrance. We have to stay here in the main entrance until the warning bell. I don't know why, the principal is an idiot. More and more kids came in and I saw Ash, Emily, Brit, Alexa, Kelsey, Brad, Nick, Dylan, and Steve standing together. Every few minutes I saw Steve look over at me with an unreadable look on his face, and the other girls look at me and laugh. I hate this. I took out my phone and just started looking around on twitter. I retweeted a few song lyrics that Cody posted and I tweeted about how school is going to be hell.

The warning bell rang and there was literally a stampede. Everyone was running. I stood there and waited for everyone to go. When everyone started to walk I started to go to my first period class. Gym. I'v never had gym first period. My school is kinda big so the high school is 9th through 12th. The small gym is 9th and 10th, and the big gym is 11th and 12th. I headed to the small gym and went over to my gym teacher.

"I don't have a note from my doctor but can I sit out?" I asked her.

"Of course! I'm not gonna make you run like that. How did it happen?"

"I fell off my skateboard and landed on a curb." I lied. She had a look of understanding on her face. I sat in a chair next to her. As people walked in I noticed that Steve is in my gym class. This is gonna be fun.


Lunch finally came around and I went outside. I sat on the bleachers by the football field after I bought a slice of pizza from the small pizza place on the corner. Periods one through five were hell. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I didn't look at the caller ID as I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey babe. Are you ok? You sound upset." I heard that soft Australian accent.

"No not really..."

"What's wrong?"

"Well it's only lunch and I have gym, Biology, Global History, Choir, and Geometry with Steve."

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