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He knew this wasn't the right time; Sasuke was well aware of the raw emotions running through their systems at the moment, and he was also quite well aware of a separate emotion that began reigning over his more reckless thoughts. Naruto was too hurt at the moment—emotionally—to be in the mood for something dumb like this, but surprisingly, his actions said otherwise. While unsure, Sasuke knew something good could come out of this—many a times, sex was a way to let off some steam whenever he felt too overwhelmed, but right now... he wasn't sure if sex alone could help calm the thunderous ocean of painful feelings within.

They were deep into a kiss and at some point, his hands began roaming lower than Naruto's chest. Naruto hadn't complained, but instead decided to push his body closer to the Uchiha's, arms entangled around the other's neck for a sense of security. It wasn't until Naruto let out another quiet sob that Sasuke asked if they should stop. Naruto wasn't in his right mind at the moment, but then... did he want to be in this state anyway? He doubted it. At this moment, all Sasuke wanted was to forget everything that had happened, as well.

"It's okay," Naruto assured, shaking his head to Sasuke's question before pulling him in for a mind-numbing kiss. He so desperately wanted to forget.

Their kiss was deep yet messy at first; Naruto seemed to be forcing himself but at the same time, Sasuke didn't complain. He, too, gave in and tried to follow the other's lead until the kiss started picking up a much calmer flow to it. Eventually, what was a thoughtless, messy clash of lips became a steady, calmer dance of tongues. It was much more enjoyable and seemed to have more effect of distracting them from the world simply because they were more focused on it. It became much sensual, more intimate and passionate.

Sasuke's hands began feeling jittery; there's something running through his veins and it's thick and laced with a need. He slides his hands all the way down towards Naruto's ass while the Uzumaki keeps his arms tight around his neck. He separates from the blond's lips to nuzzle into his neck, deposit small kisses into it before moving up to his jaw. Naruto tilts his head as the Uchiha continues, but eventually starts getting desperate for more. He wraps his legs around the Uchiha's torso and Sasuke, lost in his senses, feels himself drowning in his own lust when he feels the blond rubbing against him.

They caress each other—delicately at first—then all gentleness fades away the moment Naruto's tugging at the other's shirt and Sasuke is too lost in his own mind to realize that they have all the time in the world as he pulls his shirt off and does the same to Naruto's. They separate their lips for less than a few seconds before they clash against each other, and this time, they've set the pace a lot faster than before. They themselves don't realize when or how, but soon they're lost in each other's bare skin as they've entered their own world of pleasure and drown the small hotel room with muffled moans and grunts.

Naruto finds pleasure in the feeling of having Sasuke there, in the emotion he feels about being able to feel Sasuke physically, of being able to trace his own constellations on the other's alabaster-toned skin and perhaps even leave his own marks upon it.

Somewhere along the way, Naruto asks to be bitten, to have Sasuke bite down on his skin and leave marks. He asks with a pained expression, even before Sasuke—hesitant at first—complies and starts biting and sucking on his tanned skin to leave faint marks behind.

"I don't want to hurt you," Sasuke says when Naruto is lost in his own mind and asks the other to bite down just hard enough to make him bleed. The demand is odd to Sasuke's ears, even if Sasuke, too, is losing himself to his more lustful desires and wants nothing more than to pleasure Naruto any way he can, any way he wants to. But Naruto only stays quiet and still before he starts tearing up again and breaks Sasuke's heart when he says:

"I'll be hurt a lot more if you don't. Bite me, Sasuke, do it," And this is where his tears accumulate and start shedding, something Sasuke hates to see. "I promise it'll feel like nothing compared to what I'm feeling right now."

And Sasuke dives down to kiss him. He doesn't bite, not at first, but he does his best to calm him down from his quiet sobs.

"I thought it wouldn't bother me," The blond sobs again, unable to stop and Sasuke just continues as he listens. "-but it does, Sasuke, it really does. My own parents hate me, my own mother..." More tears fall but Sasuke is quick to kiss them. He manages to distract the boy and soon enough, they're back to kissing. Sasuke bites the other's bottom lip, hesitant, but realizes that the weak moan he got in response was actually kind of satisfying.

He finds everything else a bit more than satisfying: the way the tan blond's body arches, the way he moans, the way his fingers curl into the sheets, the way his eyes roll back in pleasure... everything about Naruto and the way he does things is nothing more but blissful art to the Uchiha's eyes and Sasuke can't seem to get enough of it.

Towards the end of it all, Naruto's tears cease and his sobs quiet down into ragged gasps for air. He looks pleased and relaxed despite the new marks lining his bottom lip. They're not too dark, but they are noticeable. Sasuke was afraid he'd accidentally make him bleed, but he's happy he trusted himself to bite down gently enough to only leave marks.

The room falls quiet again save for the ringing of the air conditioning unit under the curtained window. Naruto's eyes feel heavy and before either of them know it, he's cuddled onto Sasuke's side and fast asleep, head resting over Sasuke's shoulder with the bed sheets pulled up to just below his cheek.

Sasuke, on the other hand, lays awake for a few moments more. He watches the blond breathe calmly, feels how Naruto lightly shifts in his sleep and the bed sheet uncovers his shoulder. Sasuke's hand softly grazes the exposed skin, finding comforting warmth when he leaves it there.

"I love you so much," He says, but it's more of a whisper and something he wants to keep inside but wants to hear it anyways.

He doesn't know what time it is exactly, but after a while he starts feeling tired and drowsy. Before finally giving in, the raven leans down just a bit to leave a soft kiss on Naruto's exposed shoulder. He pulls the bed sheets up enough to cover the both of them and soon, soft snores join the low hum of the AC unit.

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