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Itachi didn't know where he was as he woke up, but he didn't mind the company he woke up with. The blond boy he slept with lay cuddled in his arms, nothing but the thin sheets covering their bodies. It was early, Itachi noted, as the only window in the room looked out towards a rising sun. Sitting up, he pulled his pants over from the floor beside the bed and grabbed his carton of cigarettes, lighting one and leaning back to stare at the oddly handsome blond with bruises on his shoulder.

"You know, just because I also smoke doesn't mean I smoke inside." The boy spoke, inhaling deeply as he opened his eyes and stretched a little.

"Fuck do I care." Itachi said, blowing out smoke through his nostrils. "You never told me your name."

"Do you really need to know?" The other sat up, playfully leaning closer to Itachi. "It's not like you're going to reme-"He grunted in pain as Itachi grabbed his hair and pulled him closer to engage in a kiss.

"I'm asking because you're mine from now on." He said, threatening to place the cigar on the boy's shoulder. "So what is it?"

The blond smiled, eyeing the lit cigarette as if it didn't bother him. "Deidara."

Itachi stared into Deidara's blue eyes, though no emotion showed as he placed the cigarette back on his lips. "How old are you?"

"What, do I look too young for you?" Deidara smiled, moaning a little as Itachi tugged his hair again. "How old are you?"

"I asked you first, now answer."

Deidara leaned in, ignoring the fumes of the cigarette as he gently kissed Itachi's jaw. "I'm old enough." He whispered. "How about you, Mr. grumpy? Ungh!" Deidara felt pain as Itachi pressed the cigarette on his shoulder. It wasn't pressed hard, so it really didn't leave a mark.

"Refrain from your nicknames. You address me as Itachi and nothing else." Itachi said, handing the cigarette over to the blond and watching how seductively so, Deidara placed it between his lips.

"Yes, sir, Itachi." The blond said, smirking as Itachi rewarded him his a kiss.


"Sasuke, I thought you were still flirting with little miss Karin." Sai opened the door to a smug looking Sasuke. "Let me guess, she turned you down?"

Sasuke walked himself in and sat on the bed. "Not flirting, Sai. Are you ready for tomorrow?"

Sai closed the door, walking himself over to the end of the bed. "Naruto's going to lose his shit when he finds out. He's going to kill you."

"And you." Sasuke added. "You're as guilty as I am."

"Really now?"

Nodding, Sasuke looked around the room. "So you know what you have to do, right?"

"Yes, we've been over this. I'll be ready to pick up the gift tomorrow and when he least expects it, surprise!" Sai threw his hands up and waved them around. "It's practically drilled into my head already."

Sasuke shook his head, getting up and ready to walk out to go back to the sleeping blonde until Itachi's phone rang, the screen showing Minato's number. Skeptical, he answered the phone as he left Sai's room. "Minato."

"Sasuke? I-is that you? Oh, god. Look, before you hang up-"

"Naruto's asleep, what do you want?" Sasuke gripped the phone tight as he recalled that day. "Wanted to bother your son again?"

"No, no! Listen, I just...it's his birthday tomorrow." Minato sounded rushed. "Itachi hasn't answered any of my calls in the last few days and just now, just...please tell my son happy birthday for me and... we miss him."

"Sure you do. What happened to being angry at him?"

"Sasuke, please. The guilt kills me enough already for acting the way I did, I'm happy enough knowing he's safe with you. He is safe, right?"

Sasuke walked over to his room, opening the door to see the blond sleeping on the bed, his chest slowly rising with every breath he took. "He's safe, yeah."

Minato chuckled, sounding a bit sad. "That's good to hear. Thanks, Sasuke. Please take care of my boy."

"Sure." Hanging up, Sasuke sighed deeply and climbed onto bed, taking his shirt off and hugging Naruto close. He smiled as he wondered what kind of face Naruto would make when he and Sai gave him the big surprise.


Sasuke woke up before Naruto, hurrying to shower and get dressed before heading over to Sai's room. "You're too early." Sai complained, wearing nothing but yesterday's pants.

"Change of plans, I don't want to do this anymore." Sasuke said, rushing inside and walking over towards the closed blinds. Opening them, he ignored Sai's complaining and hurried over to Sai's bags, opening them and throwing clothes at the boy. "Hurry up and change, have Karin give you the key to the room and take Naruto there. I'll go pick up the present and-"

"Wait, what? I thought I was going to pick up the present."

"Change. Of. Plans. Sai." The Uchiha repeated. "I'm changing the present for something better while you distract him and when I get there, we'll both surprise him."

"O-okay, but-"

"Hurry up, Sai. I'm leaving now, I'll be back later. Distract him, okay?" Sasuke hurried out of the room, leaving Sai standing to stare at his clothes. "I'll be back by noon."

Sai sighed, picking up a different change of clothes and walking over towards the shower. Hurrying towards the elevators, he walked over towards the famous Karin and sweet talked her into giving him the key since she really didn't like him as much. Finally after a small little argument and a confirmation call from Sasuke, Karin gave him the keys to the very top floor bedroom and watched as Sai smugly walked away back towards the elevators.

"Sai?" Naruto rubbed the sleep from his eyes, standing aside to let the boy in. "What's up?"

Sai looked at the boy up and down, thinking about the surprise he and Sasuke had in store for him and smiling. "Nothing much, Sasuke put me on a mission today."

"What?" The blond yawned.

Sai hummed a little, walking over towards Naruto with open arms. "Happy birthday." He said, instantly bringing a smile to the blond's face. "Now hurry up and get dressed so we can waste time until later."

"What's later?" Naruto asked, doing as told and walking over to a bag of clean clothes.

"A surprise." Sai hinted. "I can't tell you, but Sasuke told me to take you somewhere where you'll have to wait for him so...get moving." Sai ordered, a grin on his lips as Naruto smiled and nodded, hurrying to get dressed.

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