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"I told you it was better when we're not trying to keep it down."

Itachi ran his hand through his sweaty hair, looking back with an endearing smile towards the purple-haired raven. "Well, if we hadn't kept it down that time, my dad would've found us." He laughed. "Even still, you did good, babe." He placed a kiss on her lips, pulling away when a growling of the stomach interrupted them.

"I'll go get ready." Konan said, a smile tugging at her lips. "Call Pein and the others, tell them we're going out to eat." Nodding, Itachi grabbed his phone and sent a quick text to his friend before playfully chasing Konan to the shower.


Sasuke and Naruto walked into the secluded restaurant. "Are you sure this is safe?" Naruto asked, looking around towards the faces of the other customers.

"Relax, Naruto, even if someone did recognize you, the authorities would take long to get here. Besides, how are you recognizable under all that?" Pein asked, pointing towards the disguise both Naruto and Sasuke wore. "I gotta say, though, you look better in my clothing and that's not fair."

Naruto looked down at his outfit. Sure, it was most assuredly normal, no doubt about that. Though he did feel a bit suspicious and unsure about the cheap wig Konan bought before heading over. "This is hell, Sasuke." He whispered, "My head is itchy."

Sasuke made a sound in the back of his throat. "Deal with it, you're not the one passing as a girl." Sasuke mumbled, piercing his food with a fork.

"You're not a girl, Sasuke. Your hair is just tied up." Konan flatly said as she nudged Itachi on the shoulder. "You don't even look like Sasuke anymore, though. So that's good, right?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes, ignoring Sai's low chuckles as he drove a piece of food into his mouth. "Still makes me look like a girl." He huffed.

"Now you know why mom always babied you more." Itachi commented, earning a spiteful glare from his little brother.

After eating, the group disbanded. Since it was barely sundown, they spent time walking around to the small shopping plaza a few minutes away from the motel.

Konan grew tired since Itachi was the one with the most energy so far. "Come on, Itachi, I'm tired." She whined. "Sasuke and Naruto are already gone."

"Hold on, let me just look over there." Itachi said, distracted by the mannequins sporting a type of clothing Itachi loved. "Yeah, you know what, why don't you go on ahead? Here." He dug his hands into his pocket and pulled out the door key. "I'll meet you back there in a few, okay?"

Konan crossed her arms and looked at the key. "Fine, call me when you're on your way." Taking the key, Konan smiled as she pulled her phone out from her backpocket, dialing Pein as she walked away. Itachi walked into the store, oblivious to what Konan was planning behind his back.


"Sai?" Sasuke shouted, looking around for the pale dark haired boy. "Sai!" Naruto walked up to him, shivering a bit from the chilly air. "Found him yet?" The blond shook his head no. "Damn, where could he be?" He asked, looking around once more and letting out a sigh as his eyes landed on a store. Several TVs were placed together to make one big screen, the channel replaying the news from the other day where their pictures were shown.

"Sasuke, maybe we should head back. Maybe he's with Pein." Naruto tugged on Sasuke's sweatshirt, his eyes looking away from the TVs. He had an uneasy feeling as he looked around and noticed there were people nearby. Not that the people were even looking at the TVs or anything for that matter, but it still made Naruto a bit anxious.

Agreeing, Sasuke threw an arm around Naruto and they walked back towards the motel. Itachi waited for them, leaning against his car and on his phone. "Did you find him?"

Sasuke and Naruto shook their heads.

"Well, get in. Maybe he's back at the motel." Itachi turned his phone off and put it away. He turned on the car and drove the measly five minutes back to the motel. Once in the parking lot, Sasuke headed out, Naruto behind him with his hands rubbing against each other to create some warmth. The older Uchiha stayed behind, walking over to Pein's car, opening the door and sticking his upper body in to check the GPS. Seeing they were only a few hours away from their destination, Itachi got out, locked the car and shut it, walking back to his room.

On his way up the steps, he heard something shatter from a nearby door that was soon recognized as his room door. Acting quickly, Itachi rushed towards it, thinking Konan was in some type of trouble. However, as his hand was about to make contact with the door, he heard muffled laugher and a few string of profanities from a voice he knew too well. "Pein?" He asked, placing his ear on the door in hopes of hearing the conversation more clearly.

"Shit, Pein, stop!" Konan laughed, "Idiot, you broke the lamp!" Itachi raised an eyebrow, imagining what sort of situation could explain this for he did not want to fear the worst.

"Leave it, just say you tripped." Pein's voice sounded a bit muffled.

"Mm, Pein, wai-" Itachi pushed himself off the door as a few moans were heard. 'No, this can't be happening.' He thought, running a hand through his hair.

"Pein, Itachi could be coming back any second now!" Konan tried to keep her voice low, though apparently, it was hard to.

"So what? Let him find us, I'm tired of hiding. Plus, doesn't it make your adrenaline rush? To be found out?" Pein laughed.

"Idiot, we can't keep doing this. Pein, wait, stop." She giggled. "Look, I'll meet you at our room in a bit after he falls asleep, okay? We can continue there."

Pein let out a groan. "Fine, but hurry up."

"Room 2...?" Konan asked.

"Two fifty-three." Pein said, and by the sound of it, Itachi guessed he was preparing to leave. He decided to set his anger aside, now that he knew they were going to meet again. He wanted to barge in and beat the shit out of Pein, after all, he was supposedly his best friend, but no, Konan had betrayed him as well, so he had to catch them both in the act. But what would he do?

"I'll see you later." Itachi's eyes darted back to the door, where Pein was barely turning the knob to leave. Acting quickly, Itachi headed back to the steps and pretended to have just come up as Pein closed the door behind him. "Itachi, where were you?" The orange haired boy asked, pulling a cigarette from his back pocket.

"Looking for Sai, what were you doing?" Itachi tried to sound normal, though he doubted his question came off as anything close to normal once Pein arched an eyebrow and looked back towards Konan and Itachi's door.

"Chilling." Pein shrugged. "Like us friends always do." He smiled, patting Itachi's shoulder as he walked forward. "She's waiting for you. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning, bro." Itachi frowned as his mind thought back to the many times Pein and Konan claimed to be just 'chilling'. He never thought anything of it since he trusted them and they were all close friends, but now... now he knew. All this time, they laughed behind his back for being a fool. Pein always acted so normal, they both did, that's why he'd missed it... was it?

"Hm? Oh, finally, I was getting bored." Konan startled Itachi as she leapt on him. She had walked out of the room in her sweats and a thin shirt. "Hey, Pein was telling me about that house you guys bought, think we could stay there with Sasuke and Naruto? I mean, I know we have to go back at the end of the week but-" Konan's rambling was cut off as Itachi pushed his lips against her all of a sudden. Kissing back, she threw her arms around his neck and they both stumbled inside their room.

Konan broke the kiss to breath, but was taken by surprise as Itachi left her no time to even gasp as he pulled her in again. "Fuck, what's gotten into you?" She asked, mumbling against his lips.

Itachi pushed her on the bed, breaking the kiss to answer. "What, you don't like it?" He asked, his voice a bit breathy as he dove back in to kiss her neck.

Konan laughed, "On the contrary, I love it." She moaned.

'Like hell you do.' Itachi thought as he continued pleasuring the girl, his actions a bit forceful and aggressive as he let out his anger, though the girl was oblivious and enjoyed the Uchiha's pain.

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