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a/n: I edited this at like, 3 in the morning. Excuse if there are any errors, I'll definitely go back and re edit if I have to.

"Fifty." The blond raised an eyebrow towards the dark haired man in front of him. "If you think I'm lowering it any more than that, you're fucking crazy."


"No. Fifty or nothing." The blond crossed his arms, leaning back against the wall. "You're new to this, aren't you? Do you even know what you're buying from me?"

"Just hand it over and stop fucking around." Itachi snarled, a smoke between his lips and a handful of cash on his hand while the other pinned the blond to the wall. "I'm not in a good mood right now, so stop stalling. Hand it over."

The blond chuckled, slowly becoming aware of how strong Itachi was. "What are you so desperate for? Why do you even want this?"

"Is it your job to tell me whether to buy it or not?" Itachi asked. "Your job is to sell to whomever comes to you, not ask if they want it or not."

"Fair point." The blond nodded. "But I'm not selling it to you for forty-five." Itachi's eyebrow twitched as he sneered towards the cocky grin placed on the blond's face. "Go look somewhere else. Or go back to your life dude. Look at you, one look at you and I can tell you've never done this before. My advice- stay out of this business. It's nothing but shit."

"Who are you to give me advice?" Itachi just about had it from this kid. Even under the Uchiha glare, this boy was still grinning at him as if having no care in the world.

"Listen, how 'bout I offer you something else?" The blond asked, a hand smoothing out a crease on Itachi's dark shirt. "It's close to the same effect and, just for you, it's free."

"Bullshit." Itachi slapped the blond's hand away. "Sell me what you got." He didn't ask this time, but commanded as he grabbed the boy's neck and pushed him hard against the concrete wall.

"Let me guess, recent break up? Someone left you?" The blond smirked, going against the pain as Itachi gripped harder against his neck. "Perhaps you're not over them? Ah, I got it, they cheated on you?" The boy had his answer as Itachi's grip loosened and a single tear rolled down a cheek. "Hey, it's okay, I know you want this stuff, but trust me, a bit of this and that pain will only get stronger." Itachi now sobbed quietly, his fists clenched as the blond stepped out from his loosened grip. "Take my offer, it's better." The boy whispered, his hands holding on to Itachi's and leading him deeper into the alley. "It's better this way, don't you think?" He asked as he moved closer towards Itachi, lips hovering above boy's lips. "Follow me." He whispered.

The two stepped out of the alley, walking a small distance to a shabby looking apartment where once inside, Itachi pulled the blond close and the two stumbled over towards the ripped sofa. Itachi kissed with force, his mind pushing him to forget Konan, who still lingered around somewhere in his thoughts. The blond could barely keep up, moaning to the rough treatment he was getting. He smiled as the dark haired boy continued, his touches rough and aggressive. "You must be missing them a lot." He chuckled, earning a violent tug of his long hair, Itachi looking at him in the eye.

"Shut the fuck up." He growled, instantly loosing control and tugging harder on the boy's hair.

The boy laughed, rolling his eyes and moaning a little bit in pain and pleasure as Itachi's other hand explored down under.


"Thirteen." Sai counted. "What is he, a vampire? You're going to die of blood loss." He joked, pulling his shirt off to switch to another one.

"Okay, no. First of, the only one that bled was this." Naruto said, pointing to the dark bruising on his lip. "And second, you're an idiot, these are all hickeys."

Sai looked at the boy and gave up, walking over to the blinds and opening them to let in the natural light. "Right, and you said he's out looking for his brother again?" Naruto nodded. "Don't you think it's weird?"

"How so?"

Sai shrugged, digging through the book bag he went to grab from the car. "I may not know him that well, but Itachi doesn't seem the type to get wasted like he did, what, yesterday?"

"He probably broke up with Konan for real this time." The blond shrugged, entertaining himself in watching Sai pull out clothes from his bag. "Usually he'd just sulk if they fought or broke up, but then they'd be back together in like, three days. This time must've been definite."

"Reasons like these are why I don't do relationships." Sai said with a nod. He chuckled, shaking his head. "And of course, because of crazy psychopathic girlfriends." Naruto noted the sad smile as Sai rearranged his things inside the bag, only leaving a change of pants out before he placed the bag over below the widescreen TV hanging on the wall. "But hey, whatever. What time is Sasuke going to get back?"

"I don't know." Naruto mumbled, lazily shrugging. "He said he'd call back once he found him."

"It's almost your birthday, I heard." Sai said, walking over towards the bathroom. "What, two more days?" Naruto mumbled a confirmation. "What do you think he's going to get you?" He asked from the other side of the bathroom door.

Naruto shrugged, staring dead ahead as his mind wandered over nothing in particular. Until Sai waved a hand in front of him did he finally realize the boy was ready to head out. "Planning on sitting here all day and spacing out or are you going to come with me to eat?"

"I'll be there in a bit." Naruto nodded, taking Sasuke's phone and dialing Itachi's.


"So we agree, right? Top floor, champagne and everything." Sasuke smiled as the girl, Karin, nodded and smiled back at him, jotting down the arrangement as Sasuke dug in his pocket to pull out Itachi's phone. "Yes?" He whispered something over to Karin, the girl blushing as he sent her a smile. "Lunch? Uh, in a bit." Sasuke replied. "No, I didn't find him. His car's gone, too."

Karin, the receptionist posted the sticky note on her monitor where she could see it and remember the date.

"Nothing, I'm just, uh, about to head upstairs." Sasuke lied, taking the pen from the girl and writing down Itachi's phone number on the sticky note where she could call him since Itachi's phone was practically his know. "What do you mean you don't believe me? I'm literally heading towards the elevator right now." Laughing softly, Sasuke hung up and sighed deeply, looking over towards Karin now. "Okay, so this is my number. Call  me when you're ready, okay?"

The girl nodded. "I'll make sure to call you as soon as possible." Once again, she blushed as Sasuke grabbed her hand and gripped it tight before running over towards the elevators, Naruto and Sai stepping off as soon as the doors opened.

"Babe." Sasuke smiled, hugging his boyfriend close. "Where are we going?"

"You're too happy, it's creepy." Naruto said, raising an eyebrow.

"Me?" Sasuke asked, looking over towards Sai and smiling. "Nothing, wanna go eat? I'm starving."

Naruto looked at him suspiciously, then smiling as he hugged Sasuke. "Whatever you're all smiley for, I'll eventually find out." He whispered, placing a small kiss below Sasuke's ear.

"You're paranoid." Sasuke chuckled, sending a wink over towards Sai and receiving a smile and a wiggle of the eyebrows from the boy. "Anyways, hungry?"

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