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A/N: So... due to reasons, I've completely changed this chapter because the original version was cringe af. Clearly Link and I are not the best at writing smut or whatever you want to call it so I completely changed it. Now you get this: a cute, soft, angsty moment between these two babies uwu.

Morning—or so Sasuke assumes—came around. At first, the Uchiha wasn't sure what time it was, but judging from the soft glow taking over their room from where the sun met the curtains, he could assume it was some time in the early day. He doubted it'd be late in the afternoon, but then again, he doesn't know just how long they've been sleeping or when they even went to sleep.

He's the first to wake up. He doesn't get up off the bed just yet as he feels Naruto still close to him, but he does sit up a bit. He scouts the area with his eyes and they fall upon the small nightstand between the two beds where Konan's phone screen is lit up with notifications and missed calls.

The air conditioner had quieted down entirely; the room is cold but with Naruto's warm, naked body at his side, Sasuke doesn't complain. He reaches out to grab the phone, realizing only then that it hadn't been put to charge and there's only a certain percentage of battery left before it dies completely. He's not sure if he even has a charger with him, whether or not there's one in the car, but he hopes there's a store nearby that would sell a cheap one for the meantime.

He unlocks the phone, giving a quick glance to the messages in case Itachi decided to send him one—something he never does because he's mostly a call type of person—and sees nothing but texts from Konan's friends that he chooses to ignore. There are no messages from his parents, and he can't say he's surprised. There is, however, a message from his own phone, Konan, he believes, and before he clicks on it, he checks to see what other notifications he has.

Social media, mostly, and about fourteen to twenty missed calls from Itachi and one of his good friends, Pein. Konan's message takes priority.

'call us when you've found a place, we'll be ready to head on over. hope you guys are ok'

Sasuke wonders if he really wants his brother to get tangled up in this mess. He knows his father would not be too happy about it. He's already disappointed in Sasuke, why make him disappointed in Itachi if Itachi hasn't done anything yet?

He looks to Naruto, whom upon knowing practically his entire life, recognizes the signs of him about to wake up: he scrunches his nose a bit, yawns, and runs his fingers through his hair a bit. His eyes open slowly and they take a while to adjust to the different setting.

He's calm. Eerily so.

Then, he speaks.

"I thought I was dreaming."

Sasuke smiles a little, but it's mostly a sad one. "No, no you weren't." He says with a sigh. "How did you sleep?"

Naruto looks over at him, tilts his head a little from where he lays. "Honestly? I don't want to get up just yet. What time is it?"

And Sasuke realizes he too has no idea what exact time it is. Looking back down at the phone, he makes a quick study of the top right corner and his eyes widen as he didn't think it'd be late. "About to be five," He says, then looks over to the window where the sun manages to shine through the thin fabric. "I thought it was early, sorry."

Naruto doesn't say anything, instead, he looks over at the object in Sasuke's hands and sees that the Uchiha is looking at it with a lot of thought. He frowns.

Deep down he knows not to jump to conclusions, but Sasuke had always been a player. It's who he was and always had been. Naruto just wishes he hadn't been so naive to think Sasuke had finally come to his senses and settled down.

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