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a/n: ayeee like three or more chapters left :D


"Right now?"

"I said stop, damn it."

"Itachi, we're never going to get anywhere if we keep stopping. What should've been a three day drive turned into two weeks altogether because we had to sto-"

"Sasuke, keep fucking talking and I swear I'll make this car crash into something. Stop right there." Itachi woke up grumpy from his almost nine hour sleep. He woke up to a massive headache and waking up to being slept on by Sai and Naruto had him feeling cramped. He pointed towards a dark grey hotel towering over the few establishments surrounding. "Pull over."

Sighing, Sasuke switched lanes and waited for the light to turn green. As he was turning, Itachi nudged the two boys on each side of him and woke them up, both waking up instantly as they sensed the car stop.

"We're stopping again?" Naruto asked, looking outside towards the dark early morning sky.

"Wait for me here, I'll go get us some rooms." Itachi stood up, crouching as he stepped over Sai to get out of the car.

"What's his problem?" Sai questioned, closing the car door behind Itachi. Sasuke shrugged up front and leaned his fore head over the wheel. "So, how'd you sleep?" Sai turned over towards Naruto, the blond evidently still half asleep. Sai chuckled softly, letting Naruto lean on his shoulder. "Hey, didn't he say the other two were going to meet us somewhere?"

Sasuke picked his head up from the wheel and looked back towards Naruto and Sai. "I haven't even asked him about that."

"Weird." Sai nodded. "Hey, get over here, he's heavy." Sasuke laughed, extending one arm to ruffle the blond's hair. Naruto moved a little and  smiled, peeking one eye open and using his hand to grab Sasuke's. Sai said something about leaving them alone and stepped out of the car, stretching his body and smiling to the soft cracks as he did so.

"How'd you sleep?" Sasuke asked, now completely turned over in his seat to look back at his love.

"I smell like alcohol and dirt." Naruto mumbled.

Laughing at the blond's comment, Sasuke agreed. "Well, you were sleeping on Itachi. He stinks." Sasuke caressed the boy's cheek, giving him a warm smile as the blond yawned again. A knocking on the window had the dark haired boy look over as Sai pointed towards Itachi walking over. "Come on, let's go." He ordered, turning the car off and opening the door, Naruto following behind.

"Here." Itachi pushed the keys onto Sasuke and Sai, then turning quickly around and waking angrily back towards the elegant interior of the hotel lobby.

"He sure chose a fancy one, didn't he?" Sai asked, looking up towards the almost black hotel and squinting to see the top of it. "Well, not that I'm complaining, the other hotels were crap." He said with a smile, twirling the keys on his finger and walking ahead.

"Need help walking, still?" Sasuke joked, Naruto giving him a pinch on the side as they began walking after Sai. Entering, they were greeted by a red head too busy on the computer screen to look up at the three. She had thick glasses and her hair was in a loose ponytail as she typed away, her desk neat and tidy save for the paper bag.

The interior of the hotel was stylish, the shiny marble floor was a shiny grey, complimenting the dark walls from within. The decoration was anything but minimalist; a coffee table set up with white lounge chairs and a few magazines laid out on top of it. A small library lined one part of the wall, the books organized from book cover colors which were all mostly white to darker shades until the very last few. Metal lamps hung from the ceiling, giving the feel of being in a museum as the light only extended so far.

Joining Sai in the elevator, the three all headed towards the eleventh floor, silently stepping out as to not make much noise.

"See you guys later." Sai said with a yawn, looking from the keys to the door marked with the same numbers. Sasuke and Naruto nodded, entering their own room just a few doors away.

The room was dark upon entering, however, turning the lights on, it was discovered that the room was anything but dark. The walls were white, the King bed decorated with thick black covers, a thinner sheet folded and placed on top of the red, white, and grey pillows. Dark, wide blinds covered the entire wall directly ahead from the door, tempting Sasuke to walk over towards them, pulling them over, and getting a view of the shiny lights and the barely deep blue sky.

"Your brother is crazy." Naruto commented, walking over towards the bed and sitting down upon it. Sasuke, shutting the blinds and turning the lights off, walked over as well. He lay opposite from Naruto, the two facing each other in the dark and hearing each other's breathing. "I love you." Naruto whispered, feeling Sasuke's thumb below his lower lip.

"Of course you do." Sasuke smiled, hearing the blond scoff lightly.

"Say it back, dumbass." Naruto said with a grin, his eyes closed since he was still sleepy.

Sasuke leaned forward, hoping his lips would land just above his thumb below Naruto's lower lip. Smiling as his lips hovered perfectly above Naruto's, he grinned and let out a small chuckle. "I love you, baby." He leaned in, kissing the warm skin beside Naruto's lip before actually kissing him on the lips.

"Mm." Naruto laughed inwardly as Sasuke placed soft kisses on his jaw now. "Say it again."

"I love you." Sasuke mumbled, sucking on the tender skin. "I love you, so much." He lifted his lips from the boy's neck and hugged the boy closer, now both merely inches apart. "I'm fucking lucky to have you."

Naruto smiled, his hands blindly caressing Sasuke's face. "I love you, too." He laughed softly, enjoying Sasuke's lips on the bottom of his neck just between the collar bones. "But cheat on me and I'll kill you."

The two laughed, though Sasuke agreed, nodding his head slowly as his lips touched more of the blond's neck.

"I'm serious." Naruto spoke. "Cheat on me and I swear I'll come after you."

Sasuke smiled, rolling over on top of the blond. "I swear I'll let you kill me if I ever fuck up." He said, teeth softly nibbling on the boy's lower lip. "However, cheat on me and I'll have to kill you." He said with a chuckle, tasting a bit of blood and hearing a moan from the boy beneath him as his hands started tugging on blond strands of hair.

"Promise you won't cheat on me?" Naruto asked, once Sasuke's lips moved towards the bottom of his ear now.

"I won't cheat on you." Sasuke mumbled, jerking a little at the blond's touch.

"Promise me." Naruto moaned softly.

"I promise."

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