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a/n: last chapter ayee

Naruto hugged Sasuke tightly, mouthing words Sasuke didn't hear while he looked over towards the bed. An anger boiled inside, urging him to resort to violence and to blurt out what he had just heard and witnessed.

"..but I never thought it'd be this, thank you, babe." Naruto finished, his arms around the serious boy's neck and kissing him.

Sasuke seemed to be frozen still as he observed the messy pillows. Finally after feeling a warm sensation on his lips, he realized what was happening and quickly pushed the blond off of him. "Uh, no, sorry it's just...I'm nervous you won't like you gift."

Naruto smiled, recovering from the small shock. "It's alright, no matter what it is, I'm sure I'll love it." He hugged Sasuke once again, wondering why he wasn't moving at all.

"Which...reminds me, have you eaten?" Sasuke laughed a little, stepping aside from the hug and deciding to lead Naruto out of the room.

"Well, yeah but, aren't we going to-"

"I wanted to take you out to eat first." Sasuke lied, pressing the elevator button and taking out his phone. "Wanna change before we go? I'll call and make reservations." Naruto gladly nodded, really needing a change of clothes and chatting happily while the elevator descended towards their floor. "Get ready, I'll go down and prepare the car, okay?" Sasuke kissed Naruto on the cheek, hurrying to walk out towards the car, Sai making Karin angry in the lobby. Easily slipping past them, Sasuke ran towards the car and climbed in, smashing his fists angrily on the wheel.

"What?!" He yelled into the phone, finally picking up since the same number had been calling him since a while ago. "Itachi?!"

"Why the fuck won't you answer?!" The older Uchiha responded. "Where are you at?"

"Listen, I don't have time to go out and look for you, okay? Either come over and help me over here or I'm taking the car and leaving you here." Sasuke shouted into the phone, checking the rearview mirror to see if anybody was coming.

Itachi blew out a cloud of smoke, the tired blond sitting next to him on the floor and leaning over to him, dazed and completely out of it as Itachi blew the smoke in his direction. "Take it, I'm staying here." Deidara playfully moaned loudly, finding it funny how he could hear the other person ask Itachi about who he was with. Itachi didn't like that, so he grabbed Deidara's neck and almost choked him while he ended the call with his brother, the blond not minding the abuse and smiling as Itachi ended the call, yelled at him, and slapped him as the cocky grin remained on Deidara's lips. Of course, in the end, Deidara would just lean in and end the Uchiha's yelling by kissing him.

"Ready?" Naruto startled Sasuke, opening the door to the passenger's seat and climbing in. "I saw Sai and the receptionist arguing. Think he'll be okay?" He asked, laughing it off as he pulled on his seatbelt.

"Ha, yeah. He'll be fine." Sasuke smiled, grabbing Naruto's hand as he drove out of the parking lot. "You guys seem closer." He stated, laughing it off as to not come off as suspicious.

"Yeah, he's cool. We kinda got along after that whole thing with his ex. Remember back at that hotel? Did you know his ex was the one who killed-"

"His brother? Yeah, he told me." Sasuke nodded, driving as normally as he could out into the road.

"Yeah, he was a mess when he told me. After that, I don't know, I guess we got closer." Naruto said softly. "You don't mind, right?"

"Not at all." Sasuke laughed.

"Hey, about that receptionist."


"She seems to really like you." Naruto said, adding a hint of jealousy that made Sasuke laugh. "Don't laugh, I'm serious. I told you if you ever cheated on me I'd kill you." Naruto pouted, pretending to throw a small fit as he looked away, Sasuke grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. Turning to face the Uchiha, Naruto gave him a smile and leaned over to kiss the boy's cheek. "So, where are we going?"

Sasuke, finally breaking the silent composure he had, looked over towards Naruto and smiled, once again squeezing his hand and pulling it towards his lips to give it a kiss. "We'll be there in a bit." He said, smiling a toothy smile as he looked back towards the road. A few minutes of silence passed, Naruto sitting comfortably in his seat as he watched the sun set on the open road.

"Sasuke? Seriously, where are we going?"

"How would you kill me?"


"If I cheated on you, say, with Karin the receptionist. How would you kill me? Slowly and painfully or quick and pain free?"

Naruto looked over to the boy, in deep thought over the question. "You're cheating on me with Karin?"

"I said if."

"Well, considering it would pain me to know you were cheating on me, I'd kill you slowly. Feel my pain, maybe. Why, would you kill me the same?" Naruto asked, shielding his eyes from the sun ahead.

Sasuke gave a light chuckle. "I love you too much to hurt you like that. I'd rather kill you quickly and end it without hurting you." Looking over towards the blond, Sasuke smiled and winked. "But luckily, we both know we won't ever need to kill each other, right? I mean, I would never cheat on you, babe." Sasuke felt heartbroken as Naruto agreed, promising such thing would never happen.

"So, are we almost there? Is it far? Sai's going to throw a fit, he wanted to give me a present later." Naruto laughed. "Honestly, I told him it was unnecessary."

"I gave your present to some older woman on the elevator." Sasuke admitted. "She had the cutest grandchild."

"...what? Why, is this one better?" Naruto asked.

"Oh, it's ten times better. A hundred, even."

"Out with it, babe. Where are we going?" Naruto leaned closer a bit once again, playfully kissing Sasuke's jaw. "What's it called?" He whispered into the driver's ear, earning a chuckled from Sasuke at the slight tickle.

"Paradise. You're going to love it." Sasuke answered, smiling sadly as Naruto continued the kisses down to his neck. A single tear rolled down his cheek, the sun making it sparkle as it did so. The car slowly picked up speed, Sasuke's foot slowly pushing down on the gas as to not startle Naruto. Just a little more, and he would randomly turn the wheel...just a little more speed.

"Paradise? Sounds like fun, what are we going to do there?" Naruto asked with a lusty grin. He didn't notice the car going faster as he moved closer to place a kiss just below Sasuke's lip.

Kissing back, Sasuke unbuckled Naruto's seat belt, then quickly turned the wheel, instantly making the car slide out of control and crash into the trees that lined the road. An awful sound coursing through his ears as Naruto shouted and suddenly went silent, his body continuing to move even as the car stopped and his body crashed through the windshield, instantly ending the boy's life as his body landed somewhere. Sasuke, able to move just a bit, was able to look up, painfully so, to take one last glance at his love before breathing one last, painful breath.

He hoped Naruto didn't die as painfully as he did.

a/n: once I re-edit this, I swear I'm going to make it be more dramatic and shit. You guys will cry with me, only harder e.e

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