Chapter Three-A Squire in the Tower

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Squire Andrew walked along the Tower.

     It was a place of terror for him.

     Nothing seemed to be worthy of The Fairy Queen's attention. He felt alone. The deep rumble of thunder filled his ears with dread.

      "Pray tell, what is wrong?", Squire Thomas asked.

      "Nothing, dear brother, is the matter. It is a boring job doing nothing. NOTHING! I do not wish, in my 12 years, feel so out of place here. I don't want to leave...I want to explore. And I'm not going back", Squire Andrew answered. 

      "Well, King Richard and Queen Margaret will not appreciate your leaving. Neither will Prince Eldred, and Princess Caroline", Squire Thomas said.

      "I'm going, brother. If you want to stop me, go ahead. I don't feel anyone appreciates me. Good bye!", Squire Thomas walked down the stone Tower's cobbled steps, then headed past the arched hallway, and saw four silver colored, helmeted Guards who were holding silver colored Swords in their armored right hands.

      "HALT!", one of the Guards yelled. "May I pass?", Squire Thomas asked.  "Aye!", the second Guard answered. And the other two Guards raised the levers, and the black colored wrought-iron gates opened.

      And Squire Thomas smiled, as he left the Tower forever.


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The Fairy Queen (Book One) A fantasy novel by Robert HelligerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt