Chapter Thirteen-Squire and the elven girls-(Epilogue)

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Squire Andrew walked away from the Lady.

     He sat down on one of the green colored elven seats.

     Two lamps illumed his face.

     "Do you know there's a human Squire in Gaewlim?", a Elven girl asked.

     "Aye, the Lady...", another Elven girl answered. Then they gasped when they saw Squire Andrew sitting alone.

    They whispered. "If, girls, it is about me, please refrain from such utterings. It is unbecoming of a Lady", Squire Andrew told them off. "We're sorry M'Lord", one of the Elven girls said. Her long, black colored hair shone in the blue colored sky; her green colored eyes gleamed with a mysterious secrecy. Her small, pointed ears wiggled. "I'm Squire Andrew, head assistant to Lady Eleana Doqlene", he told them regally. "Lady Elea Forescue-Ferangin. And Lady Ela Quenstobhn", she announced. They both wore light green colored dresses, green colored elven boots, and small breasts. "A pleasure to meet such fine Ladies. If you need my help, I can be of service", he said. "Lady Ela is my Lady-In-Waiting", Lady Elea smiled.  "Well, my family, Ladies, save for my brother, do not believe in my strength. Maybe this land will change for me. I'm glad the King and Queen didn't kill me", Squire Andrew said.

     "You're not part of the Kingdom-yet; you're a foreigner", Lady Ela shook her head. "M'Lady, we must go now", she added. "Alas, that is part of my job. Namaarie", ('Farewell')", Lady Elea said. The two regal elven Ladies glided away from the human Squire, jumped on their brown colored horses, and rode away...and left the Squire shaking his head, in the now familiar, Elven Kingdom's lands.



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The Fairy Queen (Book One) A fantasy novel by Robert HelligerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat