Chapter one {The new guy}

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Third POV

All of (Y/N)'s teachers were in a meeting.

Hanji (Ms. Zoë): So have (Y/N) talked or say anything?

Mike: Nope nothing.

Levi (Mr. Ackerman): Tch quiet as a mouse..

Petra (Ms. Ral): Not a single word.

Oluo (Mr. Bozado): Nah.

Erwin (Mr. Smith): Nope

Nile (Mr. Dok): No voice.

Hanji: *sighs* I've tried so many times!

Erwin: So have we...

Hanji: Like what?

Levi: I tried to make her answer a question, but she just shrugged like she doesn't know the answer, even though she does.

Petra: I asked one of the students to talk to her, but when they did, they told me they can't do it...

Mike: I tried to make a her laugh, but not a single sound or giggle.

Oluo: I threaten to lower her grades down if she doesn't talk.

Nile: I sometimes yell at her to answer, but she just coldly glare at me...

Hanji: Ugh she is like a niece to me!

All: Us too!

Erwin: Well I heard that there is a new student transferring here today.

Hanji: Ooh! Maybe he can make her talk!

Levi: Tch, I doubt it.

All: *nods in agreement*

Hanji: Alright end of meeting...



"Ughhh..." I turned off my phone's alarm. "Ugh, Monday mornings are the worst..." I groaned and got up. I walked over to my drawer and picked out a (f/c) hoodie along with some ripped jeans. I undressed and took a shower.

-Le time pass cuz of author laziness-

"(Y/N) You want me to drive you to school?" My mom and my three younger brothers were getting in the car. I shook my head. "Nah, I'll just walk..." Mom nodded her head and got in the car. I waved goodbye and walked to school.


I put on my headphones and put on my favorite playlist. I pulled my hoodie over an put my hands in my pocket. While I was walking I bumped into something, more like someone. I looked up to see a boy about my age. He had chocolate brown hair, green emerald eyes, and he was rather taller than me, about 5 foot, 6 inches. He was kind of cute...then I noticed I was staring at him. I looked down "S-sorry..." I walked around him.

"E-excuse me you know where Titan high school is?" The brunette walked up to me. "Y-yea, I go there. You can follow me..." I blushed a little, he was rather close to me. "Thanks..." He smiled. I blushed a little, luckily my (h/c) locks were covering my face.

There was an awkward silence. I didn't really care because I was listening to my headphones. I began to sing (favorite music) . "You have a nice voice.." I looked and saw the brunette from earlier. I totally forgot that he was here. 'Shiiiitt!' I yelled in my head. "Sorry I forgot you were here..." I mumbled. He smiled. "No it's okay! You sing really good." I saw a tint of pink on his cheeks. I felt my face burning. "T-t-thanks..." Damn my stutter. The brunette just nodded.

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