Chapter two {...}

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Third POV

(Y/N)'s teachers having another meeting!

Hanji: Eeek! I got some news of (Y/N)!

Erwin: You're not the only one...

All: *Nods in agreement*

Hanji: Okay!! I will go first! Soooo while the class was experimenting, I was watching (Y/N) and Eren!

Levi: Tch that new kid?

Hanji: Mhmm! And guess what happened?!

Erwin: What?

Hanji: She talked!

Petra: What'd she say?

Hanji: She said "I'm fine..." Her voice is sooooo cuuute!!

Petra: Awh! I wish I heard it...

Mike: Hahaha! I think she likes Eren!

Erwin: How so?

Mike: Well I told Eren to sit next to (Y/N) and he did. When he sat next to her, she was blushing like crazy! Hehe she sent me a cold glare...

Levi: Tch, well she didn't act like that in my class.

Nile: Why? Or would you tell us the 'story'?

Levi: I'd love to...Well (Y/N) came to class earlier than she usually do and she looked...annoyed. And then Eren came in and sat next to her, he apologized to her about something, but she turned away. Then Jean came in too, he sat on (Y/N)'s other side and him and Eren start to argue. (Y/N) told them to leave her alone and then left to another seat.

Levi smirked

Levi: Heh, she sat near my desk.

Oluo: Tch, seems she doesn't like Eren.

Oluo smirked.

Petra: Stop trying to be Levi!

Hanji: Oh! I know! Let's try to make her smile today!!

Erwin: I agree.

All except Levi: Same!

Levi: Tch, already happened.

All: WHAT?!

Levi: Yesterday, I saw her smile.

Mike: H-how? Where?!

Levi: Calm down doggy...

All: *laughs*

Mike: Don't laugh at me!

Levi: (Y/N) smiled at a guy who said that she draw good...

Erwin: Oh...

Hanji: Ahh!! I want to see her smile!!

Nile: Okay well I'm gonna go now...

Erwin: Yea, let's end this meeting and we'll have another tomorrow.

All: Okay..

-Le next day-

I walked to school again. My mom and brothers left a few minutes early. When it was time for me to go, I got out and locked the door. When I turned around I saw Eren. "Ah!" I was scared for a moment, but calmed down. "S-sorry, didn't mean to scare ya." Eren smiled apologetic. "It's okay...just don't do that again." I said quietly. He nodded then we both walked to school.

On our way I asked Eren if he wanted to stay at my house for dinner. "Sure! I'd love to!" He replied. I was happy and nervous at the same time. "So...umm do you like anyone at school?" Eren asked nervously. I was shocked at his question. I nodded my head. Eren looked down. "Oh I see...if you don't mind, can you tell me who?" He bit his lips. I bit mine too, but I shook my head and have him an apologetic smiled. He shook his head. "No it's okay, I totally understand." I could tell that he was faking a smile.

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