Chapter 8 {Rewards day} [Part one]

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Okay! So this one will be a romantic chapter! Sorry about the last chapter!!! >< plz forgive me!

Third POV


-teacher meeting-

Oluo: Did you guys hear or saw what (y/n) did yesterday?

Erwin: I'm pretty sure we all heard about it.

Levi: Tch, I saw it...

Hanji: Really?! What happened?! Is-is (y/n) okay?! Was she beaten really hard?! Did she-

Mike: Hanji! Let's listen to Levi first.

Hanji: Oh! Hehe okay.

Levi: Well when I came out of my classroom, I saw a brown hair girl punched (y/n) and she fell. The brunette kicked and punched (y/n). After the brunette stopped, (y/n) stood up. When the brunette tried to punch her, (y/n) grabbed the brunette's fists that was an inch away from her face. Then she flipped the brunette and gave her a murderous stare which made everyone else horrified...

Everyone's jaws dropped down.

Nile: Who knew a girl like her is strong.

Hanji: My little (y/n) is strong!

Mike: You know what they say -don't mess with quiet girls...

Petra: Yea, but the real question (y/n) okay?

Erwin: Yea, she was limping while she ran away.

Oluo: We should call her fami- er guardian...

Hanji: Hey, who is her guardian anyways?

Erwin: Well this morning (y/n) entered in her guardian's phone number and name. Surprisingly it was Mrs. Jaeger...

Levi: What?! That brat?!

Mike: Heh, who would've guess.


Erwin: *sighs* Hanji, you and your fanfictions...

-A few weeks later your cuts have healed and you and Eren have been getting closer. Both you and Eren's feelings for each other keeps getting bigger every time you both hangout. Also, you made some friends!-

Reader's POV

First hour started and everyone scurried to their seats. Eren sat next to me, I blushed a little. He waved at me and I waved back. Ms. Zoë came in the class and she had a huge smile on. "Okay class!! I have a special announcement!" The class grew silent and payed attention to Ms. Zoë. "You've made another experiment?" Connie shouted out. The class let out a few giggles. Ms. Zoë frowned then smirked. "Nope! Since it's almost the end of the third quarter! Us 11th grade teachers decided that we go roller skating or rollerblading for rewards day!" The class got excited and celebrated. "Okay! I will pass out the permission forms and you guys have to pay $10!" The class calmed down.

-lunch time!- ψ(∇')ψ

I sat down at an empty table with my tray. Later on Eren sat next to me, then Sasha, then Connie. Soon the table was filled with people. At the table was Eren, Sasha, Connie, Armin, Marco, Beredolt, Reiner, Annie and Jean. Jean and Eren made up and became friends. Or more like frienemies (I think that's how you spell it). "Hey you guys excited for this Friday?!" Sasha exclaimed.

Annie: "It's not that exciting..."

Reiner: "Yea! I can't wait and go make people fall!"

Beredolt: "Reiner! T-that's so cruel! I'll be staying on the sides then...."

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