Chapter 11 {The video}

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"So, uh are we starting now? Oh! Uh okay!" Armin looks behind the camera.

"So how long have you been (y/n)'s friend?" A deep voice coming behind the camera, assuming it's Erwin.

Armin "Uh....well a few weeks after Eren came I guess for 2 month."

Jean: "2 months! I've been coun- I mean I think! Heheh...."

Ymir: "I don't's been a long time so I'm guessing 2 months?"

Krista; "Oh? Um well I don't remember when we met, since it's been a while...2 months?"

Connie: "2 months I think."

Sasha: "*munch* Huh? I don't really know *munch* but I think for *munch* 2 months! *munch*"

Reiner: "Hmm I think for about 2 months now!"

Marco: "(y/n)? Huh uhm....2 months?"

Bertholdt: "2 months...?"

Annie: "2 months..."

"How did you guys became friends?" Levi's voice.

Armin: "Well Eren talks a lot about (y/n) and told me that I should meet her. So one day at lunch, Eren invites me over to sit with him and (y/n). He introduced me to her and I was the first to start a conversation. We were teasing about how Eren sucks at math and we don't...hehe Eren was angry and started to tell at us. (Y/n) laughed which made Eren stop and me shocked, it was the first time we heard her laugh....And that's how we met, I guess..."

Jean: "After the day (y/n) punched me, I went and apologized to her. Surprisingly she accepted my apologies and I hugged her. When I pulled away from the hug she was as red as a tomato! Haha! You should've seen the look on her face! Seeing that she can make other emotions, made me determined to see them! So I began to hangout with her more!

Ymir: "It started off in gym class, Krista got hit with a ball, hard. Before I could go to her (y/n) was already there. At first I thought she was the one who hit her but soon noticed that she was in the same team. I thanked her for taking care of Krista and she just nodded. Later on I wanted to pay her back...I still haven't payed her back yet..."

Krista: "It was when I was taking a walk around my neighborhood and I encountered a group of men. I was scared since Ymir wasn't there. Before I could say anything one of the men said "Who the hell are you?" I turned around and saw (y/n), her face was emotionless and she just grabbed my hand and we both ran. We ran to my house, I was afraid that (y/n) was going to see those men again so I told her to stay with me but she refused. The next day I thanked her and began to talk to her!"

Sasha: "Well one day I was getting my lunch and sat at an empty table because my other friends were eating in their classroom. Then these boys came up to me and asked for my food, of course I refused to. They were going to do something to me but stopped when someone sat next to me. The boys ran away. It was (y/n) who at next to me, she looked at me and gave me her pudding! I was so happy and glad, I thanked her and gave her some of my food, but she would refuse and say that my stomach would need as much food. TuT I was so happy that someone understands my stomach!"

Connie: "My friends and I were betting on who can be the first to talk to a girl. There were three of us, one chickened out because he's too shy. The other one easily flirted with a girl. Leaving only me, I was pumped up but they told me that if I talked to (y/n) then they'll treat me for dinner! Of course I accepted. They told me good luck and other crap. It turned out that (y/n) was easy to talk to. I got more interested in her...not in that way! I decided to talk to her more, although only I did all the talking..."

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