Chapter 9 {Rewards day} [Part two]

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Reader's POV

When we got to the bus, Eren and I were the first one to go in so we had to sit in the very back, I sat near the window. Soon everyone got in and another class entered the bus. Another person sat next to us and it was Mikasa. It just had to be her. Mikasa smiled and waved at Eren and I but only Eren waved. I didn't like Mikasa, everytime I see her, my fists clenched up and I feel rage in my heart.

I calmed myself down and listened to some music on my phone. I looked over at Eren and he was talking to Mikasa. This made me have a weird feeling, I feel like punching her. I just want to her to get the hell away from Eren. Is this jealousy? I asked myself. I just shrugged it off and continued to listen to my music.

Third POV

Mikasa was blabbering her mouth while Eren just nodded his head and faking a smile. Eren felt a light tap on his shoulder, he looked to the side and saw that (y/n) had fallen asleep on his shoulders. Eren smiled warmly while Mikasa noticed and she got pissed. "Aren't you going to move her?" She said in a cold voice. Eren glared at her. "No..." Mikasa was shocked at his response. Eren took out his phone and listened to some music too. Leaving Mikasa pissed and cursing under her breath. Eren set his head on top of (y/n)'s and soon he fell asleep.

Connie was sitting across from Eren, (y/n), and Mikasa. Connie wondered what Eren and (y/n) were doing so he tapped on Mikasa's shoulders. She turned her head and smirked. "What is it cutie?" She said seductively. Connie was disgusted. "Uh, can you please move back a little?" Mikasa opened her mouth then she moved back, crossing her arms.

Connie was surprised to see Eren and (y/n) sleeping together. He giggled to himself an took out his phone. Connie took a picture and snickered, sending it to Sasha.

Connie: Look at these two

Sasha: Awh? I wonder who's going to make the first move!

Connie: I bet (y/n) will! She may be quiet but Eren is probably too slow...

Sasha; I bet Eren! Because his always make the first move!

Connie: Winner buys lunch?

Sasha: Deal!

-20 minutes later-

Reader's POV

I woke up from a scream/squeal. I looked to see who it is and saw Ms. Zoë with her phone. She was taking a picture of me? I noticed I was laying on something. I moved my head to see what I was laying on and it was Eren's shoulders. My face blushed a hundred shades of red. Eren was also awake and he was blushing too.

"W-what...?" Eren stuttered. Mikasa growled and she wasn't sitting next to us anymore, she sat in the seat in front of us. "Ms. Zoë took a picture of you lovey couple..." My eyes widens and a sweat drops down my face. The bus stops "We're here!!" Ms. Zoë shouts as she runs out the bus followed by everyone else.

Eren and I was quiet the whole time until we got to our friends. Sasha runs up to me. "Hey (y/n)! Are you going to roller blade or roller skate?" She asked me. I looked over to the counter and see that mostly everyone chose roller blades. "Um roller blade I guess..." Sasha nods and drags me over to get my roller blades.

When both Sasha and I finished picking out our sizes we walked passed the teachers' table. I saw that Ms. Zoë was squealing over something on her phone. She was shoving it on Mr. Ackerman's face.

Sasha and I got to the table where our friends were. We both put on our roller blades and before I could ask Sasha to teach me, she had gone off to the others. I sighed and looked over to the other side. Eren was struggling to put on his roller blades. "Hey...need help?" I asked, Eren looked over to me and his face turned red. "I-I can do it myself!" He continued to struggle.

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