Chapter 10 {Mini conference?!}

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I didn't reach my 2000 words goal T-T please enjoy...(>T-T)>

(N/d)= non dominant

Readers POV

My eyes slowly opened, I was in my room. I felt weight on my (n/d) arm, I looked bed to it and saw a cast. Something squeezed my other hand which I looked over and saw Eren. He was holding my hand and he was sleeping next to me, he was hugging me protectively. I blushed and turned my head to the side, Eren's face was inches away for mine. He starts to move, he turned the other side. I sighed in relief and carefully got up.

I walked over to the door but I accidentally knocked over my books on my desk. "Ngh..." Eren sat up and looked around. I froze as his emerald eyes met my (e/c) ones.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing up?" Eren got off the bed and walks towards me.

"I..." Eren hugs me.

"I'm sorry...I couldn't do anything to help you..." He whispered.

"It's not your fault." I said in a quiet tone.

Eren pulled away from the hug and smiles at me. "What happened to my arm?" I asked. "When you fell and hit your elbow, you fractured your arm. The doctor said that it should heal in a few weeks." Eren answered. I nodded my head, then my stomach made a loud growl. My eyes widens, this is so embarrassing. Eren chuckles "Are you hungry? My mom ordered some pizza since she didn't have time to cook before she left."  I nodded my head and we both went downstairs.

After we finished eating, Eren and I sat in the living room talking.

"So, where did your mom go?" I asked.

"She said that she had to go on a business trip and won't be back in like a week." Eren answered.

I nodded my head. "Um who took me to the hospital?"

"Surprisingly Mr. Ackerman did, I guess the coldest teacher actually has a heart..." Eren retorted.

"No surprise for me.. I've been noticing that he's been kinda nice to me. Actually all of my teachers are..."



Eren and I both looked over at the door.

"I wonder who it is..." I walked over to the door and opened it.

I was surprised at who was at the door. Hanji, Erwin, and Levi was standing  at the door. "Who is it?" Eren asked as he walked behind me. He was also surprised "W-what are you guys doing here?"

"Tch, are you guys going to let us in?" Levi asked. Eren and I nodded our head as they came in and sat on the couch.

"So...why are you guys here?" Eren asked.

"Is your mother home?" Erwin asked.

Eren shook his head "No, she's on a business trip."

"Oh okay. Well we came here for a mini conference." Erwin explained.

"M-mini...conference?" I squeaked out.

"She talked!!" Hanji yelled excitedly.

"Tch, shut up four-eyes." Levi slapped Hanji's face.

"Why didn't you guys just call us and have a conference at school?" Eren asked.

"Because we wanted to personally tell you guys." Erwin answered.

"Oh..." Eren muttered.

"We want to talk to both of you guys, especially (y/n) since she haven't come to any of her conferences, only her pare-" Erwin was cut off by Levi nudging his shoulders.

"Oh *ahem* sorry..." Erwin looked down.

"I-it's okay..." I whispered.

There was a moment of silence.

"O-Oi, we didn't come here for nothing." Levi interrupted.

Erwin clears his voice. "Y-yes, we came here to tell you, (y/n) that-"

"That no matter what, us teachers will always be there for you!" Hanji exclaimed.

"I-I..." I was shocked, even though I know that they care about me. I was still shocked to hear that.

"We've been watching you ever since the first day of school. Even though you refused to talk on the first day, we didn't give up. We were determined to keep a close eye on you." Said Erwin.

"Tch, ever since Eren came, we've noticed that you've changed...heck, a LOT." Levi protested.

"You've made a lot of friends these past few weeks. We've asked some of them what they think of you. Heck, we even recorded it!" Hanji took out a cd.

"Do you guys perhaps have a DVD player...?" Erwin asked.

Eren shook his head. "No, but we do have a ps4 that would play the cd. It's in my room, so we'll have to go there."

"Tch, can't you just bring it over here?" Levi asked rather a bit coldly.

"It'll take a while for me to connect all the wires..." Eren scratched his neck.

"Don't worry we have time. It's a Saturday after all and we don't have anything planned today." Erwin assured.

Eren nodded his head and went to his room. The room was quiet, it was an awkward quietness. Then Hanji clears her voice.

"*ahem*! So! (Y/n)! How many schools have you been to before this one?" She asked.

"T-two..." I muttered.

"What are they called?" Hanji asked curiously.

"S-Shigisina elementary...Roserialle middle school..." I answered in a low tone.

" I believe this is your second year here?" Hanji questioned again.

I nodded my head slowly. Eren came down with his ps4 and some wires.

"Okay so it'll take a while for me to plug these..." He let out a foolish grin.

Knowing that they'll get thirsty. "W-what would you guys like to drink? I-if you're thirsty...?" I asked the quietly but loud enough for them to hear me.

"Oh! I'll have some water!" Hanji answered cheerfully. She sure is cheery.

"I'll have some honey tea..." Erwin answered.

"You guys probably don't have it but I'd prefer black tea..." Levi looks away.

"Welp to your surprise, we do have it. (Y/n) here, sometimes drinks tea too. But she only drinks black tea..." Eren says as he plugs in the wires.

Me, embarrassed, ran to the kitchen and got the drinks ready.

A few minutes later I got the drinks ready and set it down. I made some black tea for me also and gave Eren water since he was sweating..

-few minutes later-

"There! Now it didn't take that long didn't it?" Eren stood up and drank his water.

"It took you 20 minutes...Tch not bad." Levi muttered.

Eren scratched his neck. "Heh...uhm so now we can watch the video?"

"Yeah, here..." Erwin grabs the cd from his pocket and hands it to Eren. Eren takes it and inserts it in the ps4. The video starts...

"So, uh are we starting now? Oh! Uh okay!"


>< cliff hanger! Heyy. long has it been? A week? 2 weeks? 3 weeks?! He he I don really know. V.V Anywhos! I'm so sorry for te lack of updating! I just had a lot of writers block! And um I've been working on my Levi one shots...^^' gomen.... I hope you guys like this chapter! Next chapter will be the video! Oh and when you see slanted letters with the talking quotations, that's in the video...I hope it's not confusing...。ー。

Welp! Melons out! (>^~^)>

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