Chapter 8

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Evelyn's POV

I woke up with my head pounding and the blankets over my head. I poked a small hole so I could see the outside world. Sunlight flooded underneath blanket as Eyes burned. I swiped at the blanket making the hole to cover up. I sat there for a good ten minutes before I found the courage to grab my phone. I sneaked under my blanket and stuck my hand out, searching for my phone. My hand kept slapping the air until I found the bedside table. I grabbed something and looked at it. It was the alarm clock. I placed it back and went for something else.

I found my phone with ten messages from my mom.

"Alice!" I shouted out to her. I heard running coming to the room. I heard the door open.

"What? Did something happen?" she asked, hurriedly.

"Well, I guess." I replied.

"I can't see your face."

"My mom texted me." I said slowly.

"What did he say?" she asked.

"I don't know. I haven't read them yet." I replied.

"Well, read them. Out loud." I looked at her as I looked at my phone.

"No." I said.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because I am not going to read them at all." I said lowly.

"Oh, I understand. Sort of." She laughed lightly. I laughed with her then groaned in pain.

"My head hurts." she started laughing at me. Soon, footsteps were heard. I heard a bark right next to my ear. I jumped in my bed as I saw creature staring at me.

"Oh, welcome home our new dog."


So, so, so sorry for such a short chapter. I am in class right now so. I know we haven't updated in awhile which is my fault. This chapter sucks so... Vote, comment, follow? I mean the dog won't lick off your face but then I could be wrong.

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