At the Bus Stop

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I walked down to the bus stop and I told them that they will be new students in 8th grade like me. " Wait, where are we from?" " You are from Australia but you have never experienced technology before so you have to stick with me." " Now remember things are not the same as they were in the 50s and 60s, rules have changed a lot so just follow my lead." When we arrived I say my friend Abbyson. " Hey Mary, who are they?" "Oh them, that's Josh (John), Pedro (Paul), Richard (Ringo), and Greg (George) They are my cousins from Australia, They have NEVER experienced technology before. They moved here yesterday, They stay with me." " Oh ok, hey guys welcome to New York. Word of advice. Stay to yourself." When Abbyson walked away I heard them mumbling to themselves. " Whats wrong boys?" " Are those our names?" Paul asked "Yes your last name is Fox."

The bus came up, bus 9. We all piled on and Mr. Riker asked who the boys were and I had to explain all of it to him. Eventually I sat down in seat 24 and Ringo sat with me. John and Paul sat in the seat beside me, and George sat in front of me. "These are your permanent bus seats guys so I hope you all chose wisely." I heard everyone murmuring and snickering. I pulled out my phone and earplugs. " What is that? " I heard Ringo ask curiously. I laughed because I knew that he had no clue what I was holding. " Richie, this is an I-Phone. It is a phone that you can call people with but its more complex. You can call, text, download music, play games,take pictures. It also has Internet." Ringo looked stunned. " Can I have it?" As much as I wanted to give it to him, I still said no. Instead I gave him my chrome book. He was even more confused. " This is a computer. You use the mouse to click on whatever you want and you use the arrow keys to type whatever you want." I let Ringo practice while John, Paul and George hovered over him, fascinated in everything. I also heard Ringo explaining it to them. "Its a machine that you can type and click on!" I heard him say. When the bus stopped they stood up because they thought that they had to get off. "No GUYS STAY!! Were not there yet." Everyone laughed. This one jerk, Toby called John an idiot. John got up and slammed him against the window. " JOHN!! Sit down your going to get in trouble, just be lucky Mr. Riker did not see you!" We all sat down and I high-fived John because that was totally AWESOME!!

I let George listen to some music on my chrome book. Paul and John shared my tablet, and Ringo and I shared ear-buds and we listened to music and I showed him a few things on my phone. He hugged me when he saw my home screen because it was him. " Hey Mary? Can you tell me about the future?" Ringo looked so worried and innocent at the same time. " Ringo, you know I can't do that because that will ruin history and I don't want to break the best band in history." He stared at me for a good 10 seconds then said.. " I guess we will never know." Then he touched my screen, it changed and he got scared. " IM SORRY!!" I laughed. "Your ok Ringo, your just learning to use a phone." He sighed in relief. "What did I do then?" "You clicked on YouTube, Its an app which you can listen to music on and watch other videos too." Ringo was interested and we watched Danisnotonfire for the next 15 minutes.

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