What Happened?

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 John came out of Mr. Pockness's office and was not happy! "John, what happened?" He did not answer me. "Johnny, what happened!!?" "NO GO AWAY!!" "JEEZ! HE IS NOT HAPPY!" George looked at me and pulled me away from John. " Mary he is  not in a good mood!" I had to facepaulm. "No kidding George!" "No, you don't understand! He gets violent when he is angry, I don't want to see you get hurt." I almost cried when he said that, that shows that he really cares. Ringo was running up the hall trying to catch up with me. " Mary.. why are .. you ... running!!!" he said panting. "Well Ringo, John is pissed off and I don't know why, and if you know me, you know that I will not stop unless I get what in looking for." Paul went after John to see if he could find out what I really wanted to know. I walked to my locker that I shared with the boys. Ringo and George followed. George saw my cookie and begged if he could have it. "PLEASE MARY!!!! I've been good ALL DAY!!!!" "FINE, just don't bug me anymore!" I said with a smile. 

  We went to English class with Mrs. Kirkandrews, she was a nice person, but her patients sucked! John sat in the back with Paul, and Ringo and George sat with me. "Ok class we will finish our persuasive writing essays today." I loved writing, especially persuasive! I was persuading my mum to reconsider her decision to buy me a new phone because mine sucks. Ringo was totally lost so I volunteered to help him (of coarse).  George was quietly working on something, I have no idea what it was. Paul and John were just talking about what had happened to him. "Josh and Pedro, what are you two talking about??" Mrs. Kirkandrews said. " Uh.. I was helping...Uh Paul with a...project?" John lied.  "John then motioned me to follow him, so I asked to go to the bathroom. " John, what do you want?" John took a few seconds. "Mary, I got suspended for 3 weeks!" I was surprised. "Oh my god, John what are you going to do?!" " I don't know that's what i'm trying to ask you." I was panicking because I can't just leave him in my house ALONE. I don't know what he is capable of doing. The only thing I know personally about him is that he can make a giant mess in less than five seconds. Social Studies is going to be very stressful, I can already see it. 

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