Where Am I

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I woke up on a couch. I saw four heads looking at me but I couldnt make them out. "Mary??" I think that was Ringo. "SHE'S ALIVE!!" I heard John yell. "How did you guys bring me here?" "Paul carried you." I was surprised that they remembered where I live. "Mary, do you want to play a game?" Ringo asked. " Uh, sure?" I was a little confused. "What do you want to play?" Next thing I remember is Ringo and John jumping on me, and then Paul and George followed. It hurt but I loved it, never wanted to end. We played another game where I had to try to escape. John and George pinned my hands. Ringo and Paul pinned my feet. I was laughing so hard my face was red. " You guys took out my best defenses!" "That was the point."Ringo said. I finally got enough strength to lift up George. George kept on moving so I couldnt lift him. He makes everything hard. Paul then sat on my stomach. I was crushed, it really hurt.

John then told everyone to get off and follow him to the kitchen. I just layed there in pain then eventually got enough strength to get up and limp to The Beatles. When I got there they were raiding my fridge, eating everything especially George. Ringo shared the leftover lasignia, George hogged the pizza from last night. Paul was eating something, I couldn't quite make it out. John was eating penut butter straight out of the jar. Then after a few minutes my ex boyfriend Alex Keaton ( Yes that is his real name ) He was really mad because I had four men over that he did not know. "WHO ARE THEY!?!" He shouted. "That is NONE of YOUR bisiness!" Ringo and George looked offended and John looked like he was about to attack, and Paul was about to go into mega sassy queen mode. Alex is smaller than all four of them and he had gotten intimidated when all four of them had gotten mad at him. "Mary, they will listen to you, can you tell them to stop?" he pleaded. "The Beatles, listen to.. ME???? Yeah RIGHT!! You better run you little punk!" Even though he was taller than me, but I felt that it was appropriate.

John grabbed me and pulled me into a hug and did not let me go for a good five minutes. " Don't you EVER let him talk to you like that again, you hear me??" He sounded like my dad. "DO YOU HEAR ME!!!" "YES, yes I understand!" He nodded in approval. I went over to calm Paul down so he did not act sassy twords me. "Listen honey, that little bitch does not need to be talking to you like that!" he said as he did a double finger snap. " Paul, I took care of it. " I told him. He rolled his eyes and sat down. Ringo and George both hugged me at the same time. John was still trying to calm down.

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