Lunch Time

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After the fiasco in math class, it was time to go to lunch. George was literally the first one out the door, dashing for the cafeteria. John and Ringo looked at each other and Paul just busted out laughing along with me. Amelia Laughman was making rude comments about George in the hallway. "He is so immature!" "What a weirdo!" "OMG he is so skinny its SICK!!" she practically screamed. "At least he isn't a stuck up bitch like YOU!!" I screamed feeling like I made a difference. Amelia looked at me in disgust and walked faster than me. "She stole that walk from me!" Paul whispered to me.

When we got to the lunch room George was already asking for seconds. "Hi, George! Boy you sure are hungry!!" I laughed as I hugged him. I really felt bad for him because Amelia was probably telling the whole school about how she thought George was a pig. We had gotten our lunch and I leaded them to the table that I usually sit at. They were acting shy again. "Come on, since when are you guys shy!?" My friends Abbyson, Ray, Michael, Aurora, Brennan, and Sam were all there. We had room for the four boys. John and George sat on each side of me, Paul sat beside Abbyson because he had recognized her form the bus stop. Ringo was asking Sam if he would move over so he could sit there. At first it was awkward silence, but I could still hear George chewing h his third taco. Eventually John made fun of how I eat with my left hand instead of my right and after that you couldn't shut anyone up. I mean it was usually loud but NEVER this loud. It was so loud you could hear us from 10 miles away!

It wasn't until long until John yelled "FOOD FIGHT!!!!" Everyone emerged from their seats with fists full of food and started throwing and smashing. George did not throw his food because he thought it was too precious to be wasting. I was huddling up against his chest so I could not get hit with all of the food being thrown. George didn't seem to care, he just continued eating. Ringo eventually got tired and asked if we could go home. I told him that the bell would be ringing shortly. Mr. Pockness came into the cafeteria and yelled for the students to stop throwing food. "Who is responsible for all of this ruckus!!!!!" Everyone pointed to John. " Fuck you all!!!" he screamed. Mr.Pockness motioned for John to follow him to his office. Ringo cowered down hoping John didn't rat him out. Paul just sat there like the sass queen he is. No body spoke another word. 

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