In School

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When we arrived John was sleeping on Paul's shoulder. Ringo was too distracted by my phone and George was attached with my tablet. Everyone was loading off of the bus and into the school. "Where do we go?" John said finally. I told them to follow me to the office. Mrs. Shwimmer greeted me at the desk. " Hello Mary, who do we have here?" The boys looked really shy. " This is Josh, Pedro,Richard, and Greg Fox. They are my cousins from Australia. " She looked surprised because they were from "Australia". Mrs. Shwimmer gave me the schedule and then I walked to my locker. "You guys can share a locker with me, locker number 203." 

  We walked into Mr. Heathers class. "This is Mr. Heathers, he is our homeroom teacher. " Mr. Heather greeted them and they introduced themselves. John looked at everyone and saw Toby Landlin, that kid from the bus. Paul locked eyes with Suzan Reynolds who is a blonde chick who in my opinion is much prettier than me. Ringo sat next to me in the second row. George sat alone next to Raelyn Cosker who is also a quiet chick. The morning announcements came on and Ringo asked "What is that, Mary?" " It is a smart board, we watch the teachers lessons on it but we also watch the morning announcements. " When the announcements were over Mr. Heathers had The Beatles introduce themselves. Ringo was first. "Hello, my name is Richard Fox and I like stuff. " Then George " Hi, Im Gregory Fox an I love food." Then Paul " Hi My name is Pedro Fox and I am fabulous!" Then finally John. "Hello, my name is Josh Fox and I will kill you if you fuck with me!" The whole class gasped. John looked pretty proud of himself. Good thing Mr. Heathers is a humorous person because if that was Ms. Strout he would have gotten detention. 

We went to Math class next. Mrs. Aulson was waiting for us to quiet down. She is a mean teacher. She had to tell John three times to sit down, by the third time she was not so nice. "MR. FOX PLEASE SIT DOWN! NOW!!" " Why you gotta be so MEAAANNNNN!!" John whined. George was getting a headache. We started with basic math and the problem was what is 9+10. Everyone said 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!  John, Paul, Ringo, and George all stood up. " Are you all STUPID!" John exclaimed. "It is OBVIOUSLY 19(GOD!!)" Paul said sassily. George got annoyed and walked out of the room. Ringo was confused again. He did not understand what was going on. I don't blame him the 21st century is a disaster.

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