Not Again

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  When I entered the building with The Beatles, Amelia came up to me again. She yelled at me. " If you EVER back talk me again, little girl. Your going to wish you were DEAD!!" She said in a seriously mean tone. I got really angry and I got up in her face and I said "You and what army?" I looked back at the boys and they looked worried as if I was getting myself killed. What is she going to do, Beat me up with her purse and stab me with a curling iron? Please! She got all offended and said "Whatever!" and sashayed away. I was all like BRUH! Ringo thought it was funny apparently. John and Paul literally ran up to me and scolded me for like five minutes. George looked really bored and started walking the other direction. I ran after him. "George! Are you OK, you keep running from me. " He sighed. "Mary, I am just very bored." I looked back at the boys, John and Ringo looked like they were about to cause trouble. I was running towards them trying to stop them but it seemed like I was running in slow motion. When I got there it was too late, I heard arguing then someone collapsed to the ground. I looked up, John had punched Riley in the mouth.  I'm going to get in trouble for this. Then I heard screaming, Ringo had punched Amelia and threw her into the lockers. OK I don't care who you are, that is hilarious. I high fived Ringo. What am I doing?! I am encouraging Ringo Starr to hurt people!  

I told myself as he high fived me back. I pulled him aside; "Ringo you can't be beating people up just because they tick you or me off, ok!" He nodded and sighed.  I swear he is the funniest little blue eyed drummer I have ever met, (even though I have never met him in real life). John was holding his fist up to Avery.  I jumped on to him; " NO, JOHN DON'T DO THIS!!" He was breathing heavily. I could hear whispering. "WOW, those boys are troublemakers." or "Don't hang out with them, they are mean."  I was getting madder and madder, until I lost it. " DON'T TELL OTHERS NOT TO HANG OUT WITH CERTAIN PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE THEM!!!! I CAN HANGOUT WITH WHOEVER I WANT THANKS!!!" I was pissed. Everyone was frozen. Then Amelia said "What a bitch." Oh I was BEYOND PISSED! I was about to tear her throat out of her body. The Beatles had to pin me down and then some. They motioned her to run, but being the stupid little bitch she is, she said two words that made me strike. "BRING IT!!" I rose up out of the boys grip and charged for her. I took her down and punched her. I continued to punch her,I did not stop. NOBODY INSULTS THE BEATLES!!! Nobody stopped me, not even a single teacher. Amelia was passed out. I got off of her and the boys all hugged me, like a group hug. I decided that it was appropriate to ditch school for the rest of the day so The Beatles and I went home for the rest of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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