Saturday Morning

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I went downstairs in a really weird mood. It was so weird that even John did not know what to do. They all sat in awkward silence as they ate their cereal. I kept on rambling on about nothing. Ringo was getting annoyed, which was rare. John and Paul pretended to be interested in whatever I was saying, and George begged me to shut up. I grabbed random clothes and put them on and rushed out the door. John, Paul, George, and Ringo had to run to catch up with me. "GOD, people think WE are crazy." I heard John say. My friend Michael grabbed me and stopped me. The boys were panting, and they thanked Michael for stopping me. Mike gave me to Ringo, and I was squirming, trying to get away from him.

Ringo almost threw me to the ground trying to keep a hold of me. "Mary! Do I have to get involved!?" John asked me. "No." I said nervously. Paul gave me a death stare.They threw me on top of George. I was afraid that this moment would turn into my dream. That would suck. I reached my bus stop and Alex was there. John got in defensive  mode. Alex got all wide eyed. "John, don't do it, you are going to get us all in trouble." He looked at me in anger. The bus came and everyone piled onto it. Ringo kept on poking me on the bus because he learned it from Facebook, so did George. Paul and John ignored everyone. Ringo and I eventually got tired of being ignored, so we fell asleep on each others shoulders.

From what I remember being told (by John). Keith Richmond came to the back and pushed George. After that happened George and Keith got into a huge fight. I really wish I was awake when that happened. Ringo woke up and asked me if he could listen to some music. " Yeah sure, but you may not like it." He pushed me away playfully like I was crazy. I shrugged. "Don't say I did not warn you." He went to Pandora and was listening to the Lady Gaga station. He looked as if someone had just been brutally shot in the face. "MARY!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??" He screamed to me. "Uh, Ringo. This is today's modern music. John laughed. "Come on, it can't be that bad. Let me give it a go." he demanded. I gave him my phone and he started listening to it. "WTF IS THIS??!!" He screamed.

We were at the school and John practically threw my phone back to me. "Lennon, if you would have broke it, you would have to buy a new one!" I said. "Ok, No biggie. There probably only like five dollars anyway." He said to me. "Um actually no, they are like 200 dollars at least." John got all wide eyed. "Are you kidding me!?" He whispered. "Unfortunately, no." George broke up the conversation by pushing us off of the bus. "Damn George!" Ringo said. "Someone is pushy today." John said. George sighed and said "Just go inside." 

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