Some Dream

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 I was waking up and falling back asleep. John was sleeping on me. I kept on dreaming of the weirdest things. I was dreaming that I was in Pepperland and John and Ringo were chasing me, they were really mad for some reason.  Paul came in from the other end. They all cornered me and started inching closer to me. It scared me, I had no idea what I did either. John balled up his fist and aimed at my face. It seemed to go in slow motion, until BAM! He had punched me and I collapsed to his feet. I was in a puddle of my own blood. I started shaking, and that's when  Ringo woke me up. "Mary, are you like OK!?" "Yes Ringo, it was just a bad dream." I looked over at John and he was sleeping like a rock, holding onto my arm. I fell back asleep. In my dream Paul was dragging me to a car. I asked him what was going on and he punched me right in the eye, then everything went black. I woke up in the back seat of a car and Ringo was holding me like I was an out of control 5 year old having a tantrum. I started squirming around yelling "LET GO!!" Ringo just smacked me really hard. I could not believe it. My favorite, innocent blue eyed drummer just smacked me clear in the face! He handed me to George. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He told me to calm down. The last thing I hear him saying is "Stay still, this will only hurt a second!" Then he punched me in the face, then I faded to black again. I woke up chained to a wall and John looking like he was about to smack me around, so I did not say anything.  George and Ringo got me down from the wall. 

  "We did not want you to attempt to escape while we were gone." Ringo said. George hugged me. Paul and John lifted me up and carried me up the stairs to a bedroom on the far left. "Now we trust that you won't try to run away, because if you do, we WILL beat you!" Paul said in a very intimidating voice. I nodded really fast because I did not want him to hit me again because the first time definitely did not tickle! I heard John yell for Paul at the bottom of the steps. "Good night Mary!" He quietly said before closing the door. Believe it or not I felt safe in that room all alone. Call me crazy but I did not want to leave.  That's when I heard faint voices of all four of The Beatles saying "Mary, WAKE UP!!"    I woke up and the alarm had gone off and George looked annoyed. I was so happy that it was just a dream. I hugged them all and stopped the alarm. " Are you ok Mary?" Paul asked. " Yes Paul, I am MORE than just ok. I'm FANTASTIC!" I never wake up this happy, but I am just glad that I am not all bloody and bruised from The Beatles. 

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