Freaking chapter YAY

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Guess who it is!

I demand it
Chilly cheese
Darn it I gave it away!!!!

Oh well it's Sophia!!!
"Sophia what are you doing?" Kid said from in the doorway. I must look really weird. I'm standing here with voodoo crap spread all over my room that I found in the back of mommeh's closet and I'm talking to nothing into a silica voodoo doll. Hmm
"Nothing..." I said throwing the silica doll across the room. I hop silica isn't hurt now.

"Okay well everyone is needed in the living room. I still need to find Amanda. Maybe she Died in the sun or something." I was about to say something when Amanda hanging upside down off my ceiling said something instead. Rude why is that pepper in my room.

"Kiddo I haven't died yet gawd your so mean." She poked kiddo in the forehead and he went flying. Oh yeah.... I forgot to tell you we suddenly have like very super uncontrollable strength. Delayed banpaia thing? I think so. "That really hurt." Kiddo said standing up. Oh and we can take a lot of damage to. However that happened. It's cool but now we gotta watch our step in the house because of all the holes. Levi hasn't fixed them yet that Baka what do we pay him for?

Matte we pay Levi? Oh well.

"Sorry kiddo." Amanda said falling off the ceiling. "Well now she's here let's go see why we need to be in the living room." I say just as kibblez runs threw the hall burning to death and punches a hole right where we where about to walk. "Gee thanks. Now we can't get out." Kiddo said.

"I'll block the hole." Aunt Luka said blocking the hole. "You banpaia get to the living room." "Thank you kiddo's step Mommeh." I said skipping down the Hall.

At the chilly cheese living room pineapples.
Shut it ripple.
"Sophia what do you have in you hands?" Daddeh asked as I came in the room. I look at my hands and I have a voodoo doll in it. Oops. "Nothing." I said throwing it behind me and kiddo getting hit in the face with it. "You two are abusive today!" Kiddo says falling into the couch. "THE COUCH ATE HIM!" I screeched running in circles. Then I realized he fell on the couch not in it. Oops.

Just then Mommeh and Grandma came into the room fighting. "I didn't get to see these children grow up because of you!" "It's your own fault for not coming!" "No it's not you hate me that's why I never saw them!!" "Me hating you has nothing to do with that" "see you do hate me!" "PICKLESSSSSSS" I yelled from between them. However I got there.

"Sophia what the crap are you doing?!" Amanda said from on the ceiling. "What the peppers are you doing peppers." That made sense. "Sophia why is there a voodoo doll on the floor? Seriously I yelled at you all the time about that when you where eight." What voodoo doll? I see no- oh that one. I ran over and threw it at Pepper and she fell on the floor.

Apparently I'm calling my sister pepper.

My cousin skittle.

And my fourth cousin zombie.

What cool nicknames.

"Voodoo dolls?! Asuna how are you raising your child?!" Grandma said just as Natsu burned down the door. "Natsu!!!!" Mommeh yelled.

"Hey Mommeh!!! I has a idea." Pepper said from on the wall. "A idea for what?" She asked. "Why not me and Sophia pull out the recordings from when we where eight. It'll show how we all moved in together. Yay we used to play here when we where 5 but that's not really important." Mommeh nodded and Pepper and I ran out to go find those recordings.

Hello guys :D it's Sophia. Idk what I'm doing but That's the first chapter. Woah everything is so bold. Sophia what are you doing? Pepper go away. No this is my freaking phone get off! Fine T~T

Bai 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍

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