Following Kid!

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Hello it TIS Sophia, I'm here REALLY REALLY QUICK! DONT PANIC THINKING NO MORE WITTLE US ALRIGHT?! So this chapter is about Wittle me, this takes place the next morning when I'm "cleaning up after my fight" alright? Alright cool! Thanks for not getting your pudding in a bunch! Or if you did, BAD JOB DX NO JOLLY IGLOO BASE YOU YOU!

"Good morning world!" I yelled throwing my stuff on the floor like I tend to do every morning. I calmly slapped on some clothing and walked into the hall. I crashed into Kid. He's kawaii! I mean... VOODOO!

"G-G-good morning S-Sofffffia" I patted the child's head. "Sophia, but S-sofffffffia is close enough." He nodded and ran away. He's cute but he's shy! MATTE WHAT THE PICKLE SAUCE DID I JUST SAAAY?!

"Heeeeeeey siiiiiiis ready to clean!" Amanda yelled at me. O.o I don't wanna clean. So I took the obvious way outta this one, "PICKLES AND TWIX!!!" and I ran away.

I ended up seeing Kid. I was about to walk up to him when I realized there was a random Camera on the floor. Hey why else would it be here? So I took it and took 800 pictures of kid. He ended up getting dirt all over him and crying.

That poor Wittle boooooy. I wentwondering this huge house and ended up in a computer room. So naturally putting the photo's on the computer and printing them out was the only logical answer.

After I was done I went wandering again and got lost. "DOES ANYONE KNOW IM HERE?!" I screamed. No one answered me like the jerks they are. So I just started walking. Then I dropped everything on the floor.

Then I saw Amanda, I grabbed all my stuff and ran away. She caught up to me quickly though somehow. She's super human I'm telling you. "What are those?" She asked point to the papers. "Voodoooooo" I yelled and ran away.Because no one else is here I won't get in trouble.

I ended up in a closet somehow...... Oh well it's cool in here. It's dark and creepy and I can stalk kid in here without anyone knowing urm I mean I can do voodoo without anyone knowing. "Sophia give me the voodoo dolls." Mommy said opening the door. I handed them to her hiding my pictures. She left and walked away mumbling something under her breath about burning dolls. So I ran out attempted to go get my dolls and just got grounded. Oh well. I just walked back to the closet.

A few hours of being lost and going in and out of every single closet in the house. I found a lot of things but not my freaking pictures. I found a closet of pink hair dye...... don't know what that's for. I also found a ton of masks, I know what those are for.... I Also found a closet of voodoo dolls, which I raided by the way. Then I found a lot of other things. But I don't remember what they are so...

I finally found them. They where torn to bits in the hall way. I just cried my eyes out in the hall until I fell asleep.

I was woke up by Amanda throwing socks at me. So I just woke up hissed like a demon and went back to bed. Until I realized that Kid was there also. Then I jumped up and started dancing to nothing, SOOOOOOOOOOO Then everyone thought I was on drugs and I got grounded.....

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