First day of school D:

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Tis the non wittle Sophia for a few mintutes here.... I know we don't really talk about school... cuz we tend to skip and can't really go sense banpaia now.... but this is our first day and stuff at this school and things... BUT THIS SHALL ANSWER ALL UR QUESTIONS YOUNGINGS! matte you people could be older then meh.... AHHHH *runs in circles*  matte I forgot to tell you that we "lost" the hospital tapes so it's just gonna start at three in the morning when someone rudely woke me up. I THINK THATS ALL MEH WITTLE PICKLE SENSORS BAI *click*

There was a ton of banging on my door. "Go away annoying person." I say. Woah no food. Whats happening what time is it? "Sophia... school..." Maka said banging on my door some more. "NU SKITTLE PERSON GO AWAY" I yelled throwing pillows at the door. "Common!! It's your first daaaay." She said. Just because I'm a weapon doesn't mean I wanna go to school. Math is still involved. "I don't care." Then I heard another person talking. "Sophia Kid will be there." Amanda. But KIIID I mean... so what....

I jumped out of the bed got dressed and hit everyone with the door as I ran threw every single room looking for the breakfast. "H-here.." Kid said handing me a brown bag. I snatched it like a rude little penguin and looked inside. There was FOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Yaaaaay Kid you save meh thank chu meh wittle ramune." I said hugging him and running out the door hitting him with it. Wait that was a wall. How did I open the wall? What the heck.

we apparently live really far away from the freaking school because Lord Death was waiting for us to get in the car. Was that car here before? Oh well. I got in the car and stuff. Then I saw Kid fly away on his skate board. I WANNA GO WIF CHU- I mean cars are fun.

I think we drove for hours to get to that freaking school, JUST TO FIND FREAKING 80000000 STAIRS TO CLIMB WHAT THE LIVING PUMPKIN SPICES?!

~One long rant about the stairs before climbing them later~

"Sophia we could of been there by now..." Maka complained. "Who ever said we where climbing them?" Lord Death said as he hit the gas petal with his nonexistent foot and drove at full speed up the stairs probably running over a ton of students in the process. "STAY OUTTA THE CAR LANE BAKA!!" I yelled at some boy with blue hair who ended up in Souls lap when we hit him with the car.

Next thing I knew we where ramming into the school door and hitting Kid with the car. "DAD THIS ISNT A CAR LANE WHAT THE CRAP" He yelled as he hung onto it. "My school my rules." He said running over a few teachers. How does this guy even qualify for a teaching spot?

"This is your stop you four." He said to us as he stopped in front of a door parking right on a teacher. I don't feel bad for the guy at all. Doesn't he know your supposed to look out for freaking cars while you walk down a school hall way where did he grow up I mean geez.

I jumped out of the car and walked right into the wall. "HEY AMANDA DID YOU SEE THAT THE WALL JUST HIT MEH!!" I yelled. "It did not you freaking spazz." Amanda said dragging me away with the only arm that wasnt in a sling. "This is no where near our stop anyways." She said. Then some random girl trampled us with that blue haired boy yelling crap about ponys.

"How freaking rude." Amanda said. Then we realized Soul had ran over us with them. "I SEE HOW IT IS" I yelled back at him. "Soul get back here!" Maka yelled chasing him. "Well heres our room." I said pointing at the wall in front of us. "The doors around the corner." Amanda said walking around the corner. How freaking lame just make your own door. So I busted a hole in the wall. "Class- WHAT THE SQUIRM PANCAKES" The teacher screamed. "Sir whats a squirm?" I asked looking up at him. He slapped me in the back of the head. "Your just in time for class young lady." Then amanda walked in the room looked at us and acted like she didnt know me. I see how it is.

~one upset teacher screaming his head off at me to fix the wall and me saying why I don't see anything wrong with the freaking wall later~

"Alright class due to the wall being busted threw and it being unsafe down here, we will be doing a math test." YAY-wait.... did he say math test? "Sir I dont wanna." I said raising my hand. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT MRS DEATH DO THE TEST" I stood up and walked to the ground, and..............



Blew up the school :D

The end.

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