Meeting a friend and Family member boooooooo

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Good morning you freaking stupid little machine I have no idea what your called! This Is me Sophia and My mommy woke me up this morning to tell me to wear a dress and look fancy for meeting these people who are moving in. Aunt Leafa moved in, which was fine with me, but these people have children. I don't want more children. Amanda Kid and baby Silica are enough trouble for me! Well mostly Silica and Amanda.. "I heard that stop bashing your sisters." Mommy said from her stalker spot in the random window that looks out into the hall from my room. Maybe a should cover that. Some Kid posters should do I mean......... Posters that are totally not of my cousin what are you talking about.

I do want to play Alo today though... That game is so much fun.

Why are you looking at me like that?

I didn't take the stuff while no one was looking.

I mean-

"You took what?" Kid said from my door way. "What the pickles why is my door open?" I asked pulling Kid in and shutting the door. "I took nothing you little potato." Crap did I just call him a potato?! Now he's going to cry, one thing I have learned about this guy is symmetry and sensitive, that's literally it. "p-potato?" He started tearing up. Crap I'm screwed. "I didn't mean it!!" I yelled running in circles panicking. He started crying and a lot of noise must of been happening because Lord Death came rushing into the room. "What are you guys doing in here?" He asked as if he can't see, we are freaking out. duuur.

"Well, everything seems fine." He just walked away asking for tacos. No wonder my parents where quick to move out. Kid needs some good people to raise him and not that old jagger box of what he has now. "Sophia I'm gonna go find a butterfly bye." He said running out the door. At least I know he's not going to see some other girl... Why am I like this? Must be hate. I just casually walked out of the room with my phone wondering where the cell service was.

"Sophia where are you? Geez your new house mates have gotten here. For heavens sake." I heard mommy saying. I then realized I was on the ceiling. So I fell on the ground. Mommy screamed. Then daddy came running around the corner. "What's wrong?!" Then he saw me. "Oh you found her, Sophia come." I followed. I hsd completely forgot more children where involved in following him. "Sophia this is-" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" And I ran away. Or I tried to. I got caught by the hood. wait...

I'm not wearing a hood...

What the pie toppings....

Then how are they holding me?

*realizes father has me upside down*


*gets dropped on head*

you know maybe my parents are not good for raising kid either, hopefully these adults are. "YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU HAD A DAUGHTER!" Some guy came in my face. So I bit his nose. "Sophia bad girl we don't bite family, you only do that to random strangers." Daddy said. Nope these people wont do either.

"This is my lovely daughter maka and my butt head "son" soul." The guy said. "And I'm kami and that's spirit, geez introduce properly." The nice kind lady said. "I like you. I wanna make a voodoo doll of you." I said looking up to her with a little creepy smile, then I got slapped in the back of the head. "no." Lord Death said and kept walking. "I THOUGHT YOU WHERE GETTING TACOS OLD MAN!" I yelled chasing after him. hmm weird... I want tacos now. So I stopped chasing him and went to what I thought was the kitchen. It was literally just a big empty room. "Rude wheres all my food?"

Then amanda randomly appeared out of no where and pushed me into the hallway. "cuz that's the kitchen." She said pointing across the hallway. So I walked into that room and it only had a tv. Why? "AMANDA" I screamed. She walked in the room. "Oh I guess this isnt the kitchen." Then she walked away. rude. What if she was looking for the kitchen. I would help her. but I have no idea where it is, maybe thats why her help failed.

"KIIID" I ran in circles. I was kinda surprised that he actually showed up. "what?" He asked. "wheres the kitchen?" then he dragged me into the kitchen and left me there.

What a nice cousin :D

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