Thanksgiving Chappy :D

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This is author person thing! :D I am here today to tell the no people reading this that This is a thanksgiving chappy, as by the title... But you know a lot of random things are going to happen in this chapter. It may not seem like a Thanksgiving chapter that much but, you know I SAY IT IS SO DEAL NOT REAL PEOPLE! Now I'll start actually writing the chapter! Once I check where it last was left off... OKAY NOW IT CAN START!

I awoke and realized it was thanksgiving. That means family time, I don't like Family time. The baby always cries and Lord Death Makes bad puns. Not to mention on thanksgiving this year is when we are going to meet Daddy's sister. I don't wanna meet her! I hate HUMANS!! Then I noticed Sophia was standing next to me staring at me. I screamed and fell off the other side of the bed. "Thanksgiving sis!" She said jumping on my bed. "Don't you knock?" I asked. "Don't you?" That's fair.

"Well I think I found a cool room we can hide in to avoid humans this year. It seems way better than the tree from last year." The tree from last year was a disaster. We where found in five minutes. It wasn't a fun day. "Where is this room Sophia?" I asked standing up not planning on getting dressed. It doesn't look like she was either. "It's...... close.....ish.... PUMPKINS IDK!! But I do know what we will do in there. You know that one game mommy and Daddy are always talking about getting stuck in?" Does she mean soa? or is it sao? "I think so. soa sao something like that." She jumped yelling pickles. "It's Sao!! BAKA POCKY! Anyways they play this game called Alo now I think it would be cool to play it all day instead of hanging out with family. Well I do wanna see kid...." She trailed off.

I slapped her in the face. "GET THE HANG OF YOURSELF FOOD OBSESSED WOMAN!" We started back tracking the way sophia had seen this room. This is a disaster. I highly doubt she remembers which way she- IS that COOKIE CRUMBS?! WE ARE DOING THIS LIKE THAT NOW ARE WE?! "This way Amanda." She said pointing the complete other direction of Cookie crumbs. I stopped. "are you sure?" I asked. The cookies lead in the other direction.... "Yeah see my ketchup is on the wall." MATTE NANI?! WE ARE FOLLOWING KETCHUP AND NOT COOKIES THEN WHO LEFT ALL THE COOKIES?!

Meanwhile in Lord Death's room....

"Now where is my cookie jar? I mean seriously a guy can't drag 800 cookies to his room and calmly put it in his huge cookie jar?"

Back to Sophia and Amanda...

"Your crazy I haven't seen any cookie crumbs." Sophia said to me when I had told her that I thought we are following cookies. "I am not I swear someone had left cookies." She pushed me across the hall. "What's that for-" Then I realized that the floor where I was standing had turned into lava. "WHAT KIND OF HOUSE IS THIS?!" I screamed. She shrugged and kept walking like lava didn't just come out of no where.

"Sophia is that blood?" I asked a few minutes later. She looked at it and then licked it. "Nope it's ketchup." She said turning that way. I stood there. I'm so done with my sister.

"Amanda what are you doing- why is there ketchup on the floor?" Mommy asked coming around a corner. "I have no idea... Sophia said to follow it." I said throwing my sister under the bus. I saw her around the corner fall on the floor act like she was getting run over. I tried not to laugh, let's just say that didn't work and I got grounded along side my sister like she did yesterday. No one tells us what we are grounded from though, so we basically keep doing what ever.

"And there's the door." Sophia said after a freaking hour of wandering. I looked up and saw a door that I think was white but is now... Red.. "Sophia why is the door red?" She squirted me with ketchup in the face. "That's why ^-^" I spit out the ketchup and opened the door. The handle had mustard on it. Sophia why you do this?

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