Chapter............ :D

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Hello It tis amanda.... Me and Sophia lost our recording things for like a week... Cuz We have skill. Anyways my grandparents left but as this is called "the past of us" I think maybe we should actually do some past telling shall we? "No" Sophia said. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO? AMANDA CHOP" I yelled slamming a wall into her head. Anyways, we shall start ALL OVER! So just basically ignore all the other chapters because they have nothing to do with what's happening. "Then shouldn't we delete them?" Sophia asked. "NO AMANDA SLAM I MEAN CHOP" I slammed a wall into her head again. Anyways, let's start here. Matte where's kid? I guess that really doesn't matter. Oh well to the past we go! Wait, I should probably tell you where we are jumping to. We are jumping to the car ride to our "new home" aka the house we are living in now cuz this is how things work. Silica is just a baby here. So yay... Not much will happen.

I shouldn't tell lies. alright LET'S GO!

~ripple ripple ripple~

"mommy why are all of our stuff in boxes?" Sophia asked walking into the living room. (oops I lied.. It's the day we moved close enough. AMANDA OUT PEACE) "Because the boxes ate the toys." Mommy replied to Sophia, who started crying because she didn't want her voodoo dolls to be all eaten by the boxes. "Asuna that's not something you tell a child!" Daddy yelled. "They are in Boxes because we are moving the stuff. "Why Can't you use your hands instead of the box?" I asked looking back from the drawing I was drawing on the wall. "Be- AMANDA STOP!" Daddy said running and taking the marker from me. "Because we are leaving the house." Me and Sophia blinked. "Then why isn't the house in a box?" Sophia asked. "Because it's not coming with us." Mommy said. "ASUNA YOU ARE NOT HELPING" Daddy yelled. "WHY ISNT IT COMING?!" I yelled. "Because we are going to a different house." Daddy said. "But I dont wanna different house." I said. "WELL TO BAD!" Daddy yelled and walked away.

When everything was packed up me and Sophia where shoved into the car and we both where yelling and screaming. Only the baby Silica wasn't crying. .... We should probably stop crying. Nah. So we cried until we where given food. "But I want Pocky." Sophia argued about eating her eggs. "Pocky after eggs." Daddy said. "No pocky now eggs later." Mommy jammed on the breaks and the eggs flew out the window. "I ate my eggs daddy." Sophia said smiling. Daddy sighed and gave her the pocky anyways. "I want pocky." I said. He threw the box at me even though I didn't eat me eggs. So I threw the eggs out the window. When they missed and landed on Silica's head I got yelled at.

"NO THROWING FOOD!" Everyone, even sophia, yelled. "SOPHIA BE QUITE" Everyone yelled, even me. So I got yelled at again.

"How much longer?" Sophia asked for the eighth time in a row. "As long as it takes." Mommy said for the eighth time. "But how much longer is how long as it takes?" I asked. Daddy was asleep and so was baby silica. "That I have no l clue." Mommy said. So we both shut up.

We where pulling into a huge gate. "woah are we gonna be rich?" I asked. "Yes we are." Daddy said. I looked at Sophia who was just staring at the child that was playing in the yard. "Sophia are you alright?" She shook her head no. "I need a voodoo doll of him." She said. Well I hope this doesn't become a huge obsession.. When the car came to a stop and everything me and Sophia jumped out the window of the car. The door was locked and stuff so why not? The little boy who had been playing in the yard ran into the house. "Uh mommy I think this house is already taken." I said pointing at the child. She laughed. "That's just your fourth cousin kid. Death The Kid to be exact." She threw Sophia a blank voodoo doll then she remembered she didn't want her playing with that so she took it back away.

"Hi children" Some creepy man said. Me and Sophia screeched and ran away. The little boy was back out of the house. "Hello Lord Death. Children this is your Uncle." I probably fainted sense I don't know what happens after that.

"Amanda do you like your room?" Sophia said barging in. "RUDE GO BACK OUT AND KNOCK" I yelled. She knocked on the wall she was close to and then kept talking. "So do you like your room?" She asked. "Yes the only thing I want is some locks." I said throwing things everywhere. Sophia then was covered in a ton of laundry. But she was holding a thing of paper in her hand. "What's that?" I asked taking the paper. There was a lock drawn on it. "RUDE" I yelled throwing the paper.

There was a knock at the door. I looked to see Kid. "D-dinner is ready.." He shyly said. We aren't that scary are we? I mean his Dad is creepier than we are... Matte Sophia is making a doll of him. Maybe not. But we followed Kid to where dinner was, in the middle of the hall way? What kinda house is this guy running? I mean really anyone who grows up here is gonna have mental issues. (haha very funny young amanda. EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY EVEN IF THEY DIDNT GROW UP HERE HAS MENTAL ISSUES! GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT Amanda out again!) I started to calmly eat my food and then got forked in the hand. "Hey we gotta say grace!" Lord Death said. I saw Daddy spitting his food back on his plate like he didn't start eating.

"TO DE ME I THANKITH THIS MEAL-" "Dad can you not..." Kid said. His dad yelled reaper chop and smashed the poor childs head into the floor. I feel so bad for kid. I heard the only thing he wants is a butterfly and he cant have one. Well I guess he has me and Sophia now which I guess is a good thing. Or a not so good thing sense we scare the living crap outta the poor child. I guess living here with just his dad is pretty lonely and he doesn't know how to talk to people. WE NOW HAVE A MISSION!

"FOOD FIGHT" Sophia yelled and flung food at Kid. Daddy was about to yell something at Sophia but then lord death flung food at him. "Lighten up geez." He said. So I flung food too. And the whole hall got dirty.

Anime Family llll: The odd past of us :DNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ