{A actual story maybe possibly}

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"Obviously this film thing isn't working." Mommeh said. "Oh no freaking crap." Daddeh said not looking up from his phone. He got a pot to de head. Poor daddy ;-; Hey look chocolate. I walk over to what I thought was chocolate but it was just Jobo poop. Stupid monkey. What was I even talking about? "Amanda what the living crap are you doing?" I heard mommeh say. "Looking at pooooooop." I said then realized that sounded stupid and went and sulked in a corner.

"Amanda get out of the freaking corner." Mommeh yelled at me. So I slide face first outta the corner. It's like 3 in the morning why are all these people still here. I wanna go torment the mountain lions. Sophia looked bored to. Even though she was literally just dancing on the ceiling to nightcore like five minutes ago. "Amanda get up off the floor." How the crap do I not touch the floor? Oh matte. "Okay." I said floating upwards.

"Get off the ceiling Amanda!" Mommeh yelled at me. "WHICH IS IT OFF THE FLOOR OR CEILING?!" "Both" alright then I got this! I am now spread out in mid air trying not to touch anything.

"Will someone tell a story that makes sense before things go out of hand?" Grandma demanded. "Well it's to late for the outta hand thingy but I'll tell a story!" Sophia said. "About de past."

"Once a pocky time there was a house much like this one. There where four kids in it and we'll then came a fifth. Everything changed after that fifth that look a lot like gray came. Fights and ice and fire all over de place. One day a child that looks like Amanda decided to fight the fire person thingy. And she slipped on ice fell broke her neck and died the end." Everyone was silent. "True story!" Sophia yelled. "Yeah maybe up till she died." Kid said. "I see how it is ;-;" I said. Single tear.

"Well then you tell your version of that story Amanda!" Sophia said pointing at me. "Fine."

"Once pain time there was four children living in a house. One with a voodoo problem one with a fire problem one with a symmetry problem and one that just didn't care :D aka she had pain problems. Then one day another child was dropped at the door to "stay a few weeks" the symmetry child cried in a corner and the fire guy just set everything in flames. Somehow that house is still standing today. Then the pain obsessive freak of a child fought the fire obsessive freak and she won and then the world ended the end!" I said. "That story was good up till the she won part." Kid said. "Hey!!" I yelled. "Kid tell the freaking story will you?" Mommeh yelled at him. "For the love of fine!"

"Years ago we where all living in this same house only not all of us actually lived here yet. The only children in this house was me Amanda Sophia and natsu. The day gray came we all had our own little fit. I cried in a corner Sophia threw candy all over the place Amanda was writing down ways to murder the wall and natsu was making plans to burn the house down which I'm surprised didn't work.
Anyways when Amanda realized another annoying person was going to be living here she had a actual fit and declared a fight against natsu. Why natsu don't ask me. But when she went to fight him she slipped on Sophia's candy fell face first into the ground and cried running away then the rest of us got yelled at the end."

The room was silent.

So naturally me and Sophia made cricket noises and got yelled at.

"That was some story." Grandma said. "It still makes absolutely no sense though." "CHEERERRRRRRP" Sophia yelled. "Okay it made more sense then that." Grandma said pointing at Sophia in horror. "Grandpa pickle what story do you wanna hear?" Sophia asked appearing behind him. He was laughing his butt off. "I wanna hear a story that ends with a very odd way. Yet is true."

Sophia jumped in the air. "That's me" "oh great we are gonna go threw a circle again." Daddy said. I see how it is.

"Once there was a frog-"

"THIS ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE MADE UP!" Grandpa pickle said as he hit her with a cane. "Amanda you turn." "I SEE HOW IT IS OLD MAN!" Sophia yelled slapping him with a voodoo doll and then the normal fight broke out between the two.

I whistled and everyone stopped.

"Once there was a young child. Her name I will not say-but she had a closet full of dolls. She was going threw them one day and found a note from her mother. It read if you use these for what I think your grounded so technically that girl is "grounded" still today because she used the dolls to get her way. The end."

"THAT WAS BORING!" "MAKE YOUR OWN LIFE INTERESTING OLD MAN!" I yelled throwing a Yui at him. "Weeee" Yui yelled.

Then the whole family was in a fight again.

TIS le Amanda

I died in a hole :D

Anime Family llll: The odd past of us :DWhere stories live. Discover now