Chapter chapter.... IDK

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Hi people, I don't know what I'm currently doing. I'm supposed to be showing Maka around... One problem.... I DONT KNOW WHERE I AM! I just thought I knew where the kitchen was, wait... this is the second floor? How was I supposed to know that? "Amanda do you know where the library is?" I blinked. We have a library? "er, I moved here like three days ago, I have no clue where we are, hey look stairs lets climb up them." She shrugged. I like her. I wonder where Sophia is... She would like her I think, maybe. I don't even know if she likes anyone but Kid anymore.

I suddenly heard a scream. "Soul!" Maka screamed and ran up the stairs. Woah she is fast. I ran as fast as I could up the stairs, meaning I walked up the spiral stair case. I got up the stairs and there was bubble gum everywhere. what the crap. My bubble gum. "I was mistaken it's not Soul." Maka said walking away. "Maka... that's kid." I said pointing to the plant. Sophia, whenever she got here, slapped me in the head. "HAM THATS NOT KID!" So I'm a ham now? What the crap. "Amanda you need your eyes checked that's clearly kid!" She said pointing to a random dragon. I blinked. "I'm pretty sure it's not." Wait did I say dragon? My head snapped back to where the dragon was, as did Sophia's. We both screeched and ran away.

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" Sophia yelled. The lady randomly appeared. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT" She yelled. "THERES A DRAAAAAAAAGON IN THE HOOOOOOOOUSE!" Sophia yelled. "Oh that's silica's dragon pina did you not know?" She then walked away. We both blinked. "What where we doing?" Sophia asked. "er I have no idea." Then we both randomly walked away singing immortals.

"Maka where did you gooooo?" I yelled. Soul randomly came out of a door, why is he on the second floor? Is he lost to? "What are you guys doing on my floor?" We blinked. "Sense when do you own a floor mr high and mighty?" I asked. "This is my family floor, or at least that's what your dad said." My dad huuuuh? Why is it they get a private floor? that's so unfair. I don't even know where I am let alone have a floor. "Bye Sophia." I heard soul say. NU SHES LEAVING ME!! "MOVE COUSIN!" I screamed shoving him over the random railing that over looked a trampoline. Wait.... that looked fuuuun.

"SOPHIA COME HERE!!" I yelled. She came running. "Whhhaaaat picklessss?" She asked. I threw her over the edge. all she did was yell wee as she hit the trampoline. aww I want someone to throw me. Then Kid and Maka came walking down the hall. "heeeey one of you throw me over the edge here!" Kid looked really scared and ran away. Maka just shrugged and threw me over the edge. "thaaaaaaaaaaanks" I yelled while I fell. I missed the trampoline and hit the floor. "OOOOWWW I THINK I BROKE MY BAACK" I yelled. Lord Death came walking in the room. "What are you doing?" I was just kinda crying. I cant talk anymore ;-; *click*

((wittle kiddo's pov :DDDD))

I saw Maka throw amanda over the edge. Just by the way I saw her get thrown I could tell she would get hurt. Don't make fun of me ;-; My daddy is the owner of a school so I know a lot of things. I tend to get made fun of by people because I know things until they find out who I am, it sucks. So I ran down the hall around the corner where the stairs just happened to be. My dad was standing at the bottom of them and I told him what was happening, I'm just glad no one else was with him socializing isnt very fun. Maka just was blabbing to me and I didnt even say anything, I cant talk to people very well... Unless im annoyed..

"dad amanda is going to be hurt!" He shrugged and walked into the room. How is he even able to run schools when he doesnt care when people get hurt? Oh well. I guess I will have to find someone who cares about people being in pain!! But that means.... talking to someone.. I HAVE TO DO THIS! FOR SOPHIA!! I mean.. urm.... NOTHING!! For the human race. I ran around and Aunt Asuna and Leafa? I think her name is... was standing there. "Hello kiddo, what are you up to?" They asked me. "A-a-a-a-amanda-" CRAAAP WHY CANT I TAAAALK?! IM SOO SHY WHHHYYYY "amanda...." Asuna trailed off waiting for me to continue. "b-b-b-b-roke-" YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING MEEEEEEE "BROKE HER BA-ACK" OMG I DID IT!! I THINK KINDA MAYBE? IDK!!!!!

She ran out of the room looking for her. Thank goodness that's over. People are scary. I just want my butterfly. but dad wont buy me one. He's so mean. He says they dont matter. SYMMETRY MATTERS!

wait... this is talking to people.... AHHHHHHHH *click*

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