Chapter 1

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Justin's POV

The sunlight coming through my window woke me up and I checked my phone. It was noon and I didn't get any call from Selena yet. She must have arrived, California is only 3 hours ahead of Canada. I sent her a quick text before stalking off to get ready for the day and head down for some brunch.

"Any update from Selena's mom?" I asked, seeing my mother at the table with some oatmeal and her laptop.

"Nope" She said, not even glancing at me yet.

I sighed, heading back upstairs with my food and closed the door. This sucks. I miss being able to see her next door, holding up notes on notebooks and laugh at night, being able to go onto her small balcony and sneak in just to surprise her.

What the heck am I going to do now that all I am going to see is an empty room

My phone buzzed, indicating I had a new text message and I set down my plate down on my desk and pulled out my phone. It was a text from Selena. A grin instantly spread on my face before I clicked on the message icon and saw a video message ready to be played. I clicked on it and saw her smiling at the person holding the camera, probably her mom.

"Is it on?" She asked and the camera moved up and down and she laughed, something I loved seeing her do, "Hey Justin! Hey Nina! I miss you guys so much and I wanted to show you what the house looked like so let's go"

"Ma!" I said and ran down the stairs to go show my mother. She loves watching house tours and such, our television was always on the home decor channel.

"Yeah" She replied, exiting out of something on her laptop when I entered the kitchen again.

"Sel sent me a video and you might want to see it"

I watched as Selena roamed around, opening doors and was a little surprised that her furniture had arrived to their house before they did. I was surprised too, those were some fast movers. My mom had a smile on her face, matching mine, and watched the video to the very end. Even after the video, she still had a grin on her face and I was a little skeptical.

"Is there something you want to tell me, mother?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows and pulled out a chair from the kitchen table.

"Let's just say, if you miss your girlfriend that much, it won't be that long until you see her again."

I told my mother everything that happened at the airport when I arrived home yesterday. I was still confused at why she would mention that it won't be long until I see Selena again though.

"What do you mean it won't be that long until I see her again?"

"I'm saying, me and Mandy have been planning this thing for about a month now. She told me about the move and I had to keep my mouth shut from you until now," She started and I didn't know where this was going,"We are going down to Los Angeles tomorrow"

My eyes widened and I couldn't believe what she was saying, "What? Are you joking? Mother, this is not funny"

"No, I'm being absolutely serious, we couldn't go down there yesterday because I have work but I asked for a couple days off before hand and we get to leave tomorrow" She grinned as if she let off a huge weight off her shoulders.

"This is awesome!" I shouted, standing up and jumped like I just won a million dollars. My mom joined me with my little celebration and laughed, opening a tab on her laptop again to show me flight details and I still couldn't believe my eyes.

"We're going to Los Angeles" I spoke, shocked and excited at the same time.

"We are going to Los Angeles" She repeated, and I knew this was going to be an amazing trip.


I couldn't sleep that night knowing I was only hours away from seeing my soon to be girlfriend. Even though we admitted our feelings to each other at the airport, I still never officially asked her out. I was on my phone all night, talking to Selena to keep my mind off of the time. It was so hard not to spill that I was going to Los Angeles to see her because I wanted to keep this visit a surprise.

Once the clock hit 5 a.m, I leapt out of my bed and ran to go get my mom out of bed. I felt like a little kid on their very first day of school, jumping up and down on her bed to get her to wake up and get ready. She wasn't happy with her wake up call but she still got dressed and ready quietly.

"Ma, we got to go, the flight leaves at 7, it's 6!" I yelled, already at the door with my passport and bag.

I helped her with the luggage and other necessities, calling a cab to come drive us to the airport in a couple minutes. My mother's rushed footsteps came down the stairs, her hands fixing her hair before grabbing her car keys and passport from the kitchen counter. Even though she won't have access to her car in California, she still likes to carry them around.

"Ma" I objected as she tried to fix my hair and after a while of refusing, I finally let her and she let out a sigh.

"Did you not get any sleep last night?"

"No, I was too excited" I gave an innocent smile as she rolled her eyes, rolling her luggage out of the house and to the porch. I grabbed mine as well, also locking the door and waited for the cab to come. It didn't take that long until the yellow car come down the street and stop in front of our house. I already threw both luggages into the trunk and sprinted to the back seat as the cab driver just gave me a weird look.

"Just excited to see someone special" With that note, he nodded in understandment and waited for my mother to get into the cab before driving again.


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