Chapter 14

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Selena's POV

My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

'Hey,r u ok?Worried about u -Justin'

I set down my phone and picked my soda back up and pressed my lips to it,letting the cool liquid slide down my throat.

"Who was it?" AnnaSophia asked

"Just Justin,worried about me" I said

"Your lucky,I wish my boyfriend was like that" She said,chuckling.

"Really?He like follows me everywhere I go,well except in the bathroom and when I'm changing" I said,chuckling.

"Wow" AnnaSophia said

"Sometimes...I don't want him around" I said,taking a bite out of a Sour Patch Kid

• •

"Justin!" I yelled.

"Sel!I care about you!" He yelled back.

"If you care about me so much,can you at least give me some freedom!" I yelled

"How can I do that when I think you are in danger?" He yelled

I stayed silent.There was nothing for me to say or do but to go outside.

"Where are you going?" He said

"Anywhere but where you are" I said and stormed out of my house.

(A/N It is so hard to write an angry moment with Justin and Selena)

I got inside my car and quickly drove away.My fingers messed with the dial on the radio and I finally decided to leave it on.'If I Die Young' by The Band Perry started to play.I switched it to 'All Of The Lights' by Kanye West ft. Rihanna.My fingers tapped to the music but then all of a sudden,my car slowed down.I pulled over and got out.

"What the..." I said and checked the fuel.


"Told you so" Somebody said

I jumped and looked over at who spoke.


I smirked but then hid it with a frown.

"Can...Can you just drive me home?" I asked.

He motioned for me to his car and he opened the door for me.

"Thanks" I mumbled and got in.

The drive home was awkward,until I broke the silence.

"I'm sorry" I said

"Me too" He said

"I have been...really tired with this whole 'protective' thing" I said

"Yeah and I'm sorry that I'm overprotective" He said

"I love you Justin,but..." Then I looked to my right. "Justin,watch out!" I screamed.

He turned to his right and quickly covered me with his body.Glass shattered everywhere and I felt a huge pain struck my entire body.Then I blacked out.

• •

Lights blared everywhere as I blinked my eyes opened.Justin's body was still ontop of mine.

"Sel,wake up" He said."This is all my fault" He whispered,then I heard a quiet sob.

"Justin..." I whispered.

"There are two kids trapped under the car!Get the paramedics!" Somebody yelled.My eyes started closing and I was turned around,Justin looking at me with worried eyes.I managed to keep myself awake but not fully.

Something pulled Justin's car off of us and a group of officers got me and Justin out.

"My baby!"


"She's going into a coma,fast!" One of the paramedics yelled "Get her to the hospital quick!"

A mask was placed on my mouth as I breathed in and out but that only hurt worse.Lights flashed,sirens blazing.All I saw was my mom crying and Pattie too.There were cars pulling up,to see what happened.

Justin's POV

"She's going into a coma,fast!" One of the paramedics yelled."Get her to the hopsital quick!"

I started to get really worried.Coma?Oh god,please don't take me and her.Especially her.

"He's going into a coma!" Somebody yelled.Sobbing erupted the air and screaming.

"Stay with me" Ma said as I saw her leaning over me.

"Her breathing is going down to fast,we don't know if she'll make it!" One of the paramedics yelled.

I tried staying awake.Somehow,I managed.My eyes slowly looked over to the right and I saw Sel,her eyes closed and her skin pale.Stay with us,Sel.

Stay with me.

• •


I tried to open my eyes,to see what that beeping was.

"We managed to save him from going into a coma.We stil don't know about the girl,she hasn't woken up.She might be..." Somebody said then a sob escaped the room.

By her...did they mean Sel?

"Where is she?" I said,my voice hoarse.

"Oh my baby!" Ma said,running towards me and hugged me.She's been crying a lot,I could tell by her red eyes.

Selena's POV


"She's doing well,but we still don't know if she will make it" Somebody said.

"She will,we still don't know if the boy did" Another person said

A cough escaped my lips and that seemed to got everybody's attention.

• •

I shook my head,which cause a pain to struck my entire head.My eyes shut tightly as my back rised off the bed a little then settled back down when I felt someone holding my hand.

"Justin?" I whispered,opening my eyes.

"I'm here" He whispered back.

"How did...How did you survive?I thought you were dead.I mean,the truck did hit your side" I said,surprised.

"Well yeah,but my car titled over and it landed on your side" Justin said.

"When am I going to get out of here?" I asked

"Doctor said maybe in 2 months" Justin said

My eyes widened.

"I'm just kidding,an hour.Once they get the results" Justin said,smiling and holding my hand.

"I'm sorry" I said

"For what?" He said

"For screaming at you.For getting you into this.For...everything" I said,whispering the last part.

He pushed a strand of my chocolate brown hair out of my eyes and tucked it behind my ear.

"I'm sorry for being so overprotective and yelling at you" He said.

I only frowned and looked into his brown eyes.Eventually,I squeezed my eyes shut and let a few tears fall as I thought about something.

"What's wrong?" Justin whispered

"It happened.Again" I said

He looked confused for a minute and then caught on.

"Your right,I told you that this would happen" He said

"I thought that all the danger would be gone by now" I said

"They can't all go away in one instant" Justin said

I bit my lip.He was right.I looked away for a second and then back at Justin.

"Someones watching us"

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