Chapter 21

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Selena's POV

I nodded,listening closely to my agent as she spoke to all three of us.

"Justin needs to be in Georgia for a concert,Selena needs to be in New York for a photo shoot and Nina has to be on set of the Degrassi in Toronto so you all will be over the country and we all know you love spending time with each other but right now,we don't really have the time for all of you to get together after all this work"

"But..." Justin started and then sighed

"I'll do it" Nina muttered

"Me too" I followed in

Justin hesitated,"I guess me too"

"Good,we assure you that you will meet up real soon" My agent had announced,"Now,Nina's agent called me and-"

"I have an agent?" Nina said,holding onto both of her arm rests of the chair and gaped

"Yes" Kate,my agent,had answered,laughing slightly,"She said that you have to be on set of Degrassi as soon as possible so...she also scheduled a private jet for you down at the airport and Justin has his own plane to catch too"

"Ooh,do I have a manager too?" He questioned

"Yes,his name is Scooter Braun" She said,"And he is waiting outside now"

"Oh,ok thenn" Justin said,standing up along with me and Nina,"Bye guys"

"Bye" Nina said,giving him a quick hug as she gave me a bear hug next.I smiled and let her go,seeing her wave at both of us as she exited the building.Justin and me hugged then and it felt like forever till we broke apart.I'll miss him a lot,he'll be in Goeriga and I'll be here in Los Angeles.I don't even know when we will see each other again,that's gonna be a long time.

"I'll see you soon" I said

"Love you" He said,giving me a smile

I sighed,"Love you too" And then gave him a quick kiss as I let him off,not feeling the awkwardness anymore

"So,ready to go down to the studio?" Kate asked

I nodded,following her out the door as I saw that Justin was getting in a red ferrari and Nina was climbing into a White Kia Serrento.They both waved at me as I waved back,following Kate to her silver porche.

I climbed into the passenger seat,noticing paparazzi were taking a bunch of pictures of all three of us driving off.I turned to look back to see that both cars were missing.

As I slouchd back into the seat,I noticed Kate had switched on the radio and S&M was playing.It was playing quietly though,so that gave me some time to focus on my thoughts.

Nina's POV

I stared out the window as I ran a hand through my dark brown hair as it flew in my face.This was going to be a long lonely time period till I see my best friends again.Course we can still see each other at awards,well hopefully or run into each other once in a while.

I still hope we don't grow apart,I don't know what I would do without them.They're my brother and sister,I can't stand to be apart from them.

"You'll see them again,if it helps,I'll arrange for you all to meet very soon" Amberlyn,my agent,offered

"Thanks Amberlyn" I said,giving her my best fake smile

She smiled back,believing it as I turned my head back to the outside world.I wonder who I will be working with,how they will be,how I will be treated,what I would wear,all these things actresses think.

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