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Sucking in a ragged breath Harper stepped out of her apartment, her travel bag clutched to her side, her fingers digging into the worn out leather. She kept her gaze set ahead, her back stiff as she shut the door behind her, the small click of the lock causing her to flinch.

No turning back.

Despite the pounding of her heart against her rib cages Harper started forward, her knees wobbling as she strayed further from the safety of her apartment. Part of her wanted to look back in yearning, sadly she wished she was still in her apartment, snapping shots of the next amateur model that lived in her building. This was the same part that convinced her staying coped up in her apartment for the last three days was a good idea and downing coffee like it was water would be great way to avoid the dreaded nighttime.

A shudder ran down her spine as the unwanted scenes from the other night returned to the front of her mind. The heat, the scorching kisses, the feeling of burning starting in the pit of her belly threatening to tear her up from the inside out. Her hand fell across her chest, her fingers grazing the spot over her heart. Every emotion felt so vivid, like he was actually touching her. Perhaps that was what frightened her the most about the dream, how real it felt for her yet it seemed surreal. As if it were her yet another version of her. It puzzled her when she tried to figure out what exactly that meant, she would go in circles hoping to try figuring out what happened yet she reached a dead end. With more questions than ever Harper had decided that she needed answers. She couldn't continue on going about the small facts she remembered from when she was still in hunter's training, she couldn't walk around lost and awaiting Kiev to show up and touch her. She refused to become a victim.

  Growing up she had heard cases about how demons have tortured and pleased humans and even other supernatural creatures into an early grave. Her father and the other teachers at the school had been clear to drill in how the victim fell into the desire the demon gave them and from there it only grew worse. They would do anything the demon asked, losing any interest in their life, dropping friends and family. Demons were a drug, the worst kind that could and would kill a person. Harper wasn't about to turn into a victim.

  Picking herself up this morning she cleaned up and covered the slowly fading hickeys with some foundation she found in the bottom drawer of her bathroom, from her last night out which seemed so long ago. Grabbing her camera bag she left her apartment before she could convince herself otherwise and set out to find Olivia. Her sister said she couldn't remember much last time she asked about her encounter with Kiev but she had to try again. Maybe she remembered something she hadn't remembered about Kiev, then she would stop by Elena's for a little reading. If her memory served right the witch had a collection of books about the supernatural. Elena might not be able to tell her anything about Kiev but perhaps one of those books could.

  With a plan in mind Harper released a low breath and continued out of her building, uneasy as she stepped out on to the pavement. Hands clenched at her sides she steeled her posture, willing her legs forward she pushed past the nagging voice that told her to stop being foolish and return to her apartment. Harper knew she couldn't go back up to her apartment and cower like she has been the past few days. She needed to face it, she was in debt to a sëx demon that wanted nothing more than to kill her slowly. He could command her to do anything, he knows more about her than she originally thought and he was able to enter her dreams. She wasn't safe to sleep and she couldn't after that encounter a few nights ago. All the sensations felt too raw, too fresh for her to be able to ignore them and put her head down on a pillow. So she didn't.

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