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I had a little hold up after school and got home a bit later than usual. I tried slipping to my bedroom but was stopped by a sudden shrill scream.

My mother?

I went into her bedroom and of course Jay was there.

"Hunter, just run. Just get out." I hear my mother's pleads then Jay's fist was easily driven into the side of her head and she instantly went silent as she limped to the floor.

I looked up at Jay. He looked livid. I never liked my mother's boyfriend, but I never knew he'd do this.

He started sprinting towards me.

Still not understanding clearly, and not sure what next to do, I bounded down the hall of the first floor and to my room, locking the door behind me.

Jay was coming, so I swiped my cell phone off of the nightstand and climbed out the window.

"Jake, I need help. My mom, she's..." I tried so hard to keep my composure while speaking to the toughest guy I know but my emotions took over and the streams started to flow.

It didn't bother him though.

"What about your mom? What happened?" He was definitely concerned.

More concerned then I'd ever think he'd be.

"I...she's...Jay killed her. She dead. He beat her. I saw it. He tried to get me." Everything just spilled out without hesitation.

On the other end of the line, I heard Jake scream, "What?" Then the line went dead.

Not very long after the call, did I see him running at a very surprising speed up the block.

Before I had a chance to say a word, he blurted, "We have to either go or call the police, but whichever you choose, I'm gonna be here for it."

I heard the front door open the slam shut. Our heads flipped to the sound and we spotted Jay charging.

"Shit! Too late, run!" Jake yelled, shoving me.

We started dashing as fast as we could without looking back.

Jake was still panting from his last run, and it was then, I was truly grateful he was there.

We could hear Jay's fast pacing stomps bounding the ground. We could only go one place that was actually safe, which had lots of people (witnesses). And that was the highway.

We headed just there, running on the side walk passed the long lines of cars who were parked in traffic and passed rows and rows of stores and strip malls.

I was distinctly and confidently headed straight, following the side walk, but then suddenly Jake yanked my arm to left and into a crowded grocery store.

We both turned just to peek at how far away he was and saw him walking as casual as could be probably not to draw attention. The two of us we're nervous, more me than Jake but we knew he wouldn't try much with people all around him.

Jake - trying to act natural - pulled me into flexible double-doors at the back of the store with a large sign labeling it with 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' in distinct lettering.

I didn't want to question his reasoning on this action due to the fact it was a moment of acting on pure pressure and instinct.

"Hey, kids! You're not allowed in there!" We heard a rather deep voice call from behind, but without communication between each other, we both kept on, and didn't turn back.

Resonant footsteps were trailing after us then abrupt silence. This was questionable so we spun around to what had so quickly distracted them from chasing us and we soon discovered, that they had their eyes locked on Jay.

The group of workers who were just two moments ago trying to catch us, we're now trying to protect us.

Jay was attempting to push his way through the group of our new protectors.

Before long, at least five bulky men were hauling Jay away fairly easily.

"Golly." I whispered, watching the scene then looking over at my friend. "You think I could stay at your place?"

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