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After telling my father the same story over again, it was back to Maggie's office for Jake and me. The cop, his crew, and my dad (who worked for law enforcement of Florida) did more research on the "official conclusion" on who I murdered and where we would stay after proven innocent or guilty.

To tell you the truth, I could still be announced guilty technically and thrown in "kid jail" and the fact terrified me.

The cops theory was that the victim was Jay, and the other random guys theory was that it was my dad so, since it's clearly not my dad, then why can't they understand that it's Jay? Law enforcement; I'll never understand.

Although there was a hint of fear inside, there was more hope. If the cop and his crew are as smart as they show out to be, then they should already have the hint to lean towards the Jay theory.

They've solved some of the most twisted crimes and cases I've ever seen, I'd hate to be apart of the one they can't solve-especially when it's not confusing at all.

Jake wasn't talking to me for some reason. Maybe it was because I was so lost in thought, but even though, he most likely would have tried talking to me.

But he hadn't.

"Jake, are you mad at me?" I finally asked.

When he replied, it was shocking since he never shows how he really feels especially if he's sad..or scared.

"Hunter, what's wrong with me?"

"Nothing's wrong with you, Jake. Why do you ask?" I really wanted to understand where he was going with this.

"If there's nothing wrong with me then why do I feel so..afraid?"

"You're fine. Your just a bit nervous about...uh. Uh...sorry but I'm actually not sure why your nervous."

I honestly had no clue. I was the only one who even had a slight risk of finding myself arrested.

When Jake answered, it was clear he was embarrassed to let the words come out. "I...I'm scared because when...if you...I," he stopped and took a breath to get ready for the words to finally spill, "if you get arrested then I'd have nothing. What if they take you away?" His voice cracked after every word.

"They're not going to take me away from you. If they do then I'd actually have a real reason to fight back, a real reason to point a gun."

A single statement, one single statement, and we bawled. Both of us, silently sobbing, hanging on to the words the other had shared. We never understood how much we truly meant to each other until just then.

We fell asleep on the beanbag chairs again that night, but this time, closer by heart.

When we woke the next morning to a sudden sound of the office door swing open, we jumped up instantly.

We knew that by the look on the cops face, standing in the doorway and the stack of papers In his hands, that this was it.

The final reveal of if I'd be proven innocent or guilty in a state of law, was just sitting in the cops hands, waiting to be enforced.

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