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Once inside, they sat Jake down in a lobby type room and took me into an entirely different room. This one, to my luck, was entirely and completely pitch black.

It clearly had no windows which shook me up a bit.

They sat me down in a chair at a medium sized round table where the only light source was a bright lamp shining directly in my eyes.

This is ridiculous, it's just like the movies. 

A new cop was sitting directly across from me.

Well I assumed he was a cop anyway but he had on a long tan suit rather than the formal blue uniform.

Before he could say anything, I had to comment. "Is this a joke? Like for real, why do we need this lamp? This isn't way back in your time, we have this thing called electricity now."

He raised an eyebrow. "A lamp uses electricity." He corrected.

Oh. Oops. I felt my face get hot. "Whatever!" I said firmly. "I don't want It in my face!"

"Very well then." He signaled to someone standing near the door and the ceiling lights quickly shot on. He reached over and pulled the chain hanging from the lamp. The lamp cut off and the man instantly proceeded with his questioning.

"Simple question," he began, "did you murder or recall harming anyone today, July 21st?" There was a hand held voice recorder on the table near me.

Though the thought of it catching and obtaining every moment we spend in here made me cringe, I ignored the fact and focused on how forward he was.

I thought they were supposed to like ease it out of suspects but again, I don't know a lot about this stuff.

"Um...well no. Not exactly anyway." I replied, a bit too careful of picking through my words. Apparently, this appeared to be a lie.

"Don't lie to me, sir." He sounded annoyed already. "It's only going to get you into a lot more trouble if you lie. Did you, or did you not commit the stated crime of murder about four hours ago at the most?" He was checking through a stack of papers for this information as he spoke.


"Your fingerprints were discovered on every inch of a blood caked branch near by. Coincidence? I don't think so. Don't even attempt to lie."

I paused then went on. "Well, before I was interrupted for some insignificant reason," his eyes narrowed as he grew impatient, "he tried to kill me. Both of us. He killed my mom, he killed my friends mom, and he almost killed my friend! So as that was happening, I did all I could at the time and grabbed a stick and hit him with it. His name was Jay McFlore."

The cop almost gasped at the name but then oddly laughed instead.

"You obviously seen the broadcast and remembered one of the names of the runaways." He shook his head with a grin. "I told you not to lie."

"What? I'm not lying! If I were lying how would I know that he was the only runaway who didn't get caught. If I would've said any of the other names, you would've known I was lying 'cause they were already caught! Okay, where is he then? Where's Jay?" I pleaded for my innocence while trying to make a point.

He entirely ignored everything I just said. I told myself it was because I'd told him off but that was mainly to make me feel as if I'd accomplished something.

"Bring in the friend!" He yelled towards the door.

Some other cop came in and took me out of the chair, replacing me with Jake. He gave me a dread filled look but quickly wiped it away when the cop with the tan suit began his questioning.

I was taken out of the room and out into the lobby.

As soon as I sat in the chair outside the dark room, I felt a sudden wave of exhaustion.

If Jake's alibi is any different than mine, it wouldn't end well for either of us.

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