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The cops are dusting for fingerprint.

It's gonna lead them straight to me with the samples. I'm the only one who touched him.

We kept walking, trying to get as far away as possible before the returned but they weren't gone long. Im sure the others had already gotten the fingerprints by the time they'd gotten back there.

If they had, all they'd have to do would be to match the fingerprints with our samples and they'd be onto us.

That's exactly what happened.

The buzz of the loud police sirens echoed again. They know.

We hadn't even gotten far at all. The White House could still be seen from where we were.

At the moment, to me, the backyard of the house seemed to be the only decent place to lye low and hope they passed.

I yanked on his shirt collar as I started running, once he got the point I let go.

While in the back, we peeked out from the side of the house. I'm assuming they'd just barely seen us make a run for it.

This assumption hit me once we saw the cop car, along with two others, park once again in from of the house.

The same cop as the last questioning got out of the leading vehicle and expecting that we lived there, made his way up to the house and pounded his fist on the door.


He knocked again-no one was home.

He then turned without expression and started towards the back of the house. He was walking around the opposite side of which we were peeking behind.

We silently yet quickly slipped around to the side closest to us, in order to hide ourselves from his view when he'd reach the back from the other side.

We were both looking over our shoulders while quietly tip-toeing to the front yard.

Unaware, we soon bumped into something.

Something clearly larger than us.

Turning our heads and looking up, way up, we could see a tall man in a police uniform. It wasn't the one who was coming around the other side but it was one that came out of one of the other police cars.

The main cop that had knocked and came around back, now came up behind us from the back yard.

Immediately, they hand cuffed us no questions ask, pushes us through the front yard to the curb, and stuffed us in the back of the leading police vehicle.

In the back, I couldn't stop looking over at Jake but he never looked back at me.

He had no expression.

He kept his eyes forward and his frown firm.

I sighed and turned to look out my window.

I can't hardly breath.

The fact I can see, that I'd messed up.

We could still clear it all up though. Maybe. Hopefully.

If only Jake could see through his pain. If only he'd look at me. He'd see I was here. And that I was living this right by him.

Right here. In the back seat...with the police in the front.

I was still there though.

"Jake." I said simply.

He didn't look at me nor answer. Just raised and lowered an eyebrow. "I just want you to know that I see you."

He glared at me. He was t confused. I knew he wasn't.

"I see you too. I see you...very clearly." He replied. I smiled and he smiled back. "Thank you."

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