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"What are you doing?" Jake asked, as we ran through the double doors. "They were trying to help us!"

I ignored him.

When we were finally outside, we were soon stopped by a strong force as we scrambled out of the doors.

It nearly slung us to the ground.

I looked up to see who it was after collecting myself.

I was annoyed and in a hurry. I was ready scream and tell them to move.

I opened my mouth to yell, and when I looked up at the person I instantly froze.

"Dad?" I hadn't seen him in such a great while but still, his face was clear in my mind.

I stared at his face and was just about to go in for a hug when I remembered all of the horrible lies he'd made our family believe.

The tears that were spilled. The dread and the terror that were fought through.

For nothing.

I stopped and looked at him with fear and hatred, then I turned and darted back into the building.

In just a few seconds, I heard Jake following.

I was still running but my eyes were so clouded over with misty tears that all I saw were blurs of colors.

Once again, I bumped into something hard. I was so mad. I hated bumping into things now!

When I rubbed my eyes and looked up, the question cop was there starring down at me.

Turning to run in the opposite direction, I was nearly trampled by Jake and my dad.

I was in the middle of both the cop and my father but there was absolutely no way I'd go near my dad.

Unfortunately, the cop had something totally different in mind.

He bent over and whispered over my shoulder. "Your not gonna like what happens next."

He took both of my arms and firmly pulled them behind my back.

Two more cops with actual blue suits did the same to Jake and dad.

I thrashed around and kicked when I was being led to the interrogation room again, but he was much bigger than me.

I was so mad at the world right now. I didn't feel like talking to anyone, especially my "dad".

Once around the table, the cop began again.

"So." He folded his hands and placed them on the table. "You know you both can't escape each other. You definitely knew."

He looked towards dad.

"Why we're you outside? Were you coming in here for something?" He asked him.

"Yeah. I was. Someone called me early this morning saying something 'bout how they tracked me and figured me out or some shit." He sounded calm yet annoyed.

"I just came to see what type of "trouble" I'm in." He finger quoted.

"Ah." The cop said simply, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms. "So now, you both need to start talking. To each other. About all of this. I'll be listening, writing down information I need. Don't be intimidated though, it's just my job."

The question cop patiently waited for a conversation to spark but all we did was look down at the table.

I played with my fingers uncomfortable with the situation.

I decided to finally spill my guts as sweat began to pour.

"Mom's dead."

My fathers eyes flew up to meet mine but I was still staring at my hands.

"What! Really? How?" He stammered.

"Pssh, like you care." I rolled my eyes as I stood. "Can we be done here."

"Okay, let's calm down. Please just sit." The question cop interrupted before things went bad.

The first time I could feel I was slowly losing my mind was the instant I'd glared at the gun in the cops belt and fantasized, but quickly stopped myself.

The room went dead and my gaze returned to the weapon in question cop's belt.

God damn you, Hunter. I told myself before I, without a single thought, lunged from where I still stood and snatched the gun from his belt as the cop sat there.

I took a quick step back so he wasn't able to reach me without taking a chance.

I aimed it toward the table not knowing who to shoot first.

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